To consider a report by the Assistant Director Environment, Growth & Planning.
Contact:S Ingram 388400
(Councillor J A Gray, Executive Councillor for Resources, was in attendance for this Item).
(See Members Interests).
By means of a report by the Assistant Director Environment, Growth and Planning (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book), the Panel received an update on the work which was taking place between the Council, other Councils in Cambridgeshire and public sector organisations to re-shape and make more efficient use of their property portfolios.
The Panel was reminded that the District Council had to-date taken a common sense approach to making the best use of its property assets and was engaging with partners in this regard. Although there had been limited success thus far with the countywide project, the District Council had achieved some success through re-letting part of the Civic Suite to NHS Cambridgeshire. In terms of the County Council’s proposal to establish a publicly-owned Joint Venture vehicle, it was suggested the Authority should endorse the principles of this initiative but that further work, analysis and Cabinet approval would be required before the Council made any firm commitment.
Members supported the common sense approach which the District Council had adopted to date but expressed some concern regarding the establishment of the publicly-owned joint venture. Their reservations related to the deliverability of the initiative and its potential costs. Whilst the Executive Councillor shared these reservations, Members were advised that it was important not to preclude the District Council from participating within the arrangement at a later date if it was deemed to be advantageous. In the meantime the Council would continue to look for logical ‘sharing solutions’. Members requested that if any proposals were forthcoming, they should be fully costed for consideration by the Panel.
Members queried the lack of progress which the Making Assets Count initiative appeared to have made on a countywide basis over the course of the last two years and how much the Council had spent on it thus far. They were informed that, despite political consensus about the concept, there had been a number of barriers to its progress, details of which were outlined to Members. The Council’s only contributions had been in the form of Officer and Member time. The consultants who had been appointed to provide property advice had been funded by Improvement East.
In response to a question as to whether there were there were any alternatives to the joint venture approach, the Assistant Director Environment, Growth and Planning explained that one to one discussions with other organisations could be undertaken at any time. He reiterated that the creation of a joint venture might not be required if the common sense approach was applied but it was important to keep the Council’s options open. Members were reminded that the aim of the Making Assets Count Initiative was to make best use of the Council’s assets and the Authority was making good progress in this respect.
In response to a question by Councillor P D Reeve, Members were assured that the Authority was not holding up the initiative but further work and analysis was required before a firm commitment could be made. In the meantime the Council would continue to work with partner organisations to deliver outcomes which were practicable. If a scheme or initiative was developed which met the requirements of the people of Huntingdonshire, then the Cabinet would be likely to endorse it.
In recognition of Members reservations regarding the establishment of the publicly-owned venture but their wish not to preclude the District Council from participating within the arrangement at a later date if it was deemed to be advantageous, it was
that the Cabinet be recommended to –
(a) endorse the MAC principles and note the creation of a countywide publicly-owned joint venture (the MAC Public Property Partnership);
(b) endorse the pragmatic approach that HDC has taken to date in respect of maximising the use of its assets and that all further common sense sharing opportunities should be fully explored wherever that may be possible; and
(c) note that none of the Council’s assets will be committed to or encumbered by any joint venture proposal without further reference to Cabinet.
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