To consider a report by the Housing Strategy Manager regarding a review of the Cambridgeshire Home Improvement Agency shared service and a review of the ongoing demand for Disabled Facilities Grants.
Contact:J Emmerton 388203
Notes the position following three years of the shared Cambridgeshire Home Improvement Agency service; and
Agrees to delegate authority to the Head of Development in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Strategic Planning and Housing to sign a new Partnership Agreement for a further two years with provision for an extension for a further three years by agreement.
The Cabinet received a progress review report by the Housing Strategy Manager on the Cambridgeshire Home Improvement Agency (CHIA) shared service following three years of operation (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) which was presented by the Head of Development.
The CHIA shared service, developed in partnership with Cambridge City Council (CCC) and South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC), went ‘live’ on 1st April 2012. Staff were employed by CCC with the main office located within SCDC.
It was reported that the shared Home Improvement Agency (HIA) service had been successful in meeting its initial aims and objectives and had the potential to achieve further efficiencies both internally and externally in the future. The performance data indicated high volumes of work for the three years the shared HIA had been in operation and that 2014/15 performance targets had been achieved.
The CHIA previously agreed in principle to include East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC) in the shared service, subject to a detailed Business Case being developed. However, having been appraised of the Business Case for service expansion, ECDC had decided not to join the shared service as they were content that their in-house service was fit for purpose and they did not foresee significant benefits from disrupting their current arrangement.
It had been noted that performance in Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of 2015/16 had decreased for a number of reasons including an increase in volumes of work, loss of a surveyor and the necessary introduction of new procedures to ensure regulatory compliance. Reasons for this and potential options were being explored by the CHIA Management Board.
The original three-year CHIA Agreement was extended in 2014 and expired in March 2016. The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Head of Development in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Strategic Planning and Housing to sign a new Partnership Agreement for a further two years with provision for an extension for a further three years by agreement.
Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) were part funded through the Council’s Capital fund and the remainder was Government funded via the Better Care Fund. Officers continued to influence the strategic direction of the Better Care Fund towards preventative services, demonstrating the value of the DFG programme to the health and social care agenda.
The maximum DFG that was able to be awarded was £30,000 and DFGs for adults were subject to a means test. It was suggested that in the current economic climate and when other budgets were being reduced, if possible the maximum amount awarded should be reduced, particularly if the applicant had assets available to fund the adaptations.
Having considered the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel, the Cabinet
i. note the position following three years of the shared Cambridgeshire Home Improvement Agency service; and
ii. agree to delegate authority to the Head of Development in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Strategic Planning and Housing to sign a new Partnership Agreement for a further two years with provision for an extension for a further three years by agreement.
At the conclusion of the above item, at 7.35pm, Councillor D Dew left the meeting.
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