The Executive Leader and the Executive Member for Resources to address the Council on the State of the District.
(The Chairman will invite the Leaders(s) of the Opposition to respond to the address. A Member may speak once in the ensuing discussion.)
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12, the Chairman invited the Executive Leader, Councillor J D Ablewhite to address the Council on the State of the District. In support of his presentation, a summary of the Annual Report 2014/15 and salient facts had been laid on the table (a copy of which is reproduced in the Minute Book).
Councillor Ablewhite reminded Members of the continuing challenge facing local government with reductions in budgets and the difficulties with delivering services. The Council had reacted well to these difficulties and had reviewed service delivery by identifying efficiency savings for the Council’s residents and customers.
Councillor Ablewhite added that the Medium Term Financial Strategy had been developed to reduce reliance on Central Government funding, whilst minimising the impact on residents. Councillor Ablewhite proceeded to remind Members of the savings achieved to date through the Zero Based Budgeting (ZBB) processes, creating reserves to be invested in a Commercial Investment Strategy fund to generate a source of income for future years.
The Council’s attention was also drawn to the successful securing of grant funding of £500k as part of the Transformation Challenge Award working with partners for the shared services projects being undertaken with South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council.
Looking forward, the Council were advised of future developments involving the empowerment of managers and utilising business intelligence and information technology to ensure budgets are being met. Members further were acquainted with proposals to ensure One Leisure makes a surplus in the future and the capital costs are covered by the end of this financial year. (A copy of Councillor Ablewhite’s full address is reproduced in the Minute Book.)
The Leader of the Principal Opposition, Councillor Ms L A Duffy was invited to respond. Councillor Ms Duffy commended the Council on how well it was working and moving forward, including cross party working. She welcomed the continuing strive to maintain a zero rise in Council Tax and the impact of ZBB. Councillor Ms Duffy praised Mrs J Lancaster, Managing Director and her Officers for their professional nature of improving and maintaining staff. She proceeded to encourage Members to attend training sessions and commended Mr C Mason on the recent training on the budget.
Whilst welcoming the need for further housing development in the District, Councillor Ms Duffy expressed concern at the impact of such developments in the rural areas but felt that there needed to be a balance with the requirement for more affordable housing.
Councillor R G Tuplin concurred with the sentiments raised by Councillor Ms Duffy and the positive working relationship that currently existed within the Council amongst Members.
Councillor M F Shellens suggested that attention needed to be focussed on those residents with limited wealth, particularly the younger generation in the District and supported the comments in relation to the requirement for more affordable housing.
In congratulating the Executive Leader on the contents of the Annual Report, Councillor P Kadewere highlighted his concerns with the welfare reform and the impact on some of our communities and indicated his desire to assist with improving the situation for those affected.
In response to the comments from Members, Councillor Ablewhite welcomed the collaborative working amongst the Council and shared the same concerns regarding the vulnerable in the District and explained that they continued to be a priority and would be addressed through regular communication to focus on the areas that needed assistance. In response to the developments in rural areas, Councillor Ablewhite explained that the District was a high growth area and many of the allocated housing sites were on Brownfield land, minimising the impact on such rural locations.
In concluding, Councillor Ablewhite indicated his aspiration to achieve further funding to deliver projects to benefit the residents in the District through collaborative working amongst strategic partner agencies.
Actions:30 Minutes