To consider a report by the Interim Head of Service (Operations) regarding the revised waste policies and the proposed consultation on options for waste minimisation and potential charges for bin replacements
Contact:A Merrick 388635
i. Endorses the revised Waste Collection Policies, as attached as Appendix 1 of the submitted report, with the revision to Policy 3 – Number of Wheeled Bins and Sacks Provided, that up to two additional 240litre bins for green and food waste can be provided on request subject to an annual charge; and
ii. Approves the consultation on the options for waste minimisation and potential charges for bin replacements, as detailed in the submitted report, subject to consultations not commencing until the new Municipal Year.
By way of a report from the Interim Head of Service (Operations), presented in his absence by Corporate Director (Services) (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet considered the revised waste policies and the consultation on the options for waste minimisation and potential charges for bin replacements.
The Cabinet was informed of a correction to Policy 3 ‘Number of Wheeled Bins and Sacks Provided’, and it was confirmed that up to two additional 240 litre bins for green and food waste could be provided on request subject to an annual charge, not one bin as detailed in the Policy.
The waste collection policies had been reviewed to ensure they were fully customer focused and represent the best practice for top performing local authorities.
A new Policy for lane end collection arrangements had been developed based on the results of a detailed survey of individual locations. Bespoke collection arrangements had been identified for implementation along with the operational policies and procedures against which these arrangements would be managed.
A rejections policy was also included in respect of repeated contamination of recycling and garden waste bins. Residents would be provided with details of ongoing contamination and allowed time to resolve the issues, which would be deemed as the ‘first yellow card warning’. If further contamination incidents occured a ‘second yellow card warning’ would be issued, followed by a ‘red card’, concluding with the removal of the bin. No additional capacity would be provided for waste collection if a bin was removed. The Cabinet emphasised that the yellow and red card warning system only applied to recycling and garden waste bins.
In response to questions, it was explained that Amey Cespa monitored the waste taken to its treatment centre and determined whether the waste was contaminated to a level that it should be rejected. There was an 8% tolerance regarding contamination above which the Council was charged. It was noted to the Cabinet that the Council had a low rejection rate. Contamination occurred most frequently in garden waste which had health and safety implications for the recycling operatives that emptied the bins.
The Cabinet noted that a Waste Minimisation Officer was in post to assist with increasing recycling rates. The Cabinet acknowledged that the Corporate Plan included measures relating to recovery of missed bins and to reducing the level of household waste sent to landfill. However, the Cabinet suggested that the measure should be about increasing recycling levels.
To reduce the waste produced by households, the Cabinet approved the following three options for public consultation to reduce the grey bin capacity on domestic collection, subject to consultations not commencing until the new Municipal Year:
- Option 1: Issue 140 litre bins to all new properties, unless built to accommodate 6 plus residents, and an additional 240 litre blue bin can be provided for recyclates on request. A 140 litre bin would be provided to any resident requesting a smaller bin.
- Option 2: Issue 140 litre bins to all new properties, unless built to accommodate 6 plus residents, and an additional 240 litre blue bin can be provided for recyclates on request. A 140 litre bin would be provided to any property requesting a replacement bin.
- Option 3: Issue 140 litre bins to all new properties, unless built to accommodate 6 plus residents, and an additional 240 litre blue bin can be provided for recyclates on request. All bins at existing properties throughout the District would be replaced with 140 litre bins.
The Cabinet also approved public consultation on options for charging for replacement bins that have been damaged, lost or stolen.
Having been invited to address the Cabinet, the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Economy and Growth) stated that the Panel supported the revised waste policies, but suggested the questions proposed for consultation on future bin capacities should be revised to allow them to be more easily collated.
Whilst considering the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Economy and Growth) the Cabinet suggested that it would be difficult to monitor the policy if the Council replaced the first bin for free and charged for a second replacement. However, the Cabinet suggested that the Council should consider that a charge be levied on those that removed their bin when moving properties. In conclusion the Cabinet,
i. to endorse the revised Waste Collection Policies, as attached as Appendix 1 of the submitted report, with the revision to Policy 3 ‘Number of Wheeled Bins and Sacks Provided’, that up to two additional 240 litre bins for green and food waste can be provided on request subject to an annual charge; and
ii. approves the consultation on the options for waste minimisation and potential charges for bin replacements, as detailed in the submitted report, subject to consultations not commencing until the new Municipal Year.
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