To receive a presentation from Mr Mark Reeve, Chairman of the Local Enterprise Partnership Board to provide an update on the work of the Partnership in the context of Huntingdonshire and the LEP’s position on devolution.
The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Mr M Reeve, Chairman of the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Enterprise Partnership who had been invited to the meeting to address the Council on an update of the work of the Partnership in the context of Huntingdonshire and refer to the Local Enterprise Partnership’s (LEP) position on the devolution deal. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation is appended in the Minute Book.
Mr Reeve opened the presentation by providing details of his working background and his involvement in the establishment of the LEP in 2010. Members were acquainted with details of the geography and membership of the LEP that had been built on two sub-regions; Greater Cambridgeshire and Greater Peterborough. Mr Reeve outlined to Members details of the funding arrangements that the LEP had received from Central Government that had been matched by local authority contributions, together with further funding received for specific activities. Members were also acquainted with the accountability arrangements, specifically the details of the LEP Board Members and how the Leaders Committee comprising 15 local authority leaders appointed to the LEP Board.
Mr Reeve outlined to Members the main core objectives of the LEP that included improving the area’s infrastructure, supporting the business community in the creation of jobs, improving the skills levels and ensuring the availability of good quality, affordable housing. Members were then informed of the LEP’s achievements in relation to the core objectives. Particular reference was made to the securing of over £14.3m funding, some of which had already been invested in the Huntingdonshire area with various projects and the success of the Enterprise Zone at Alconbury Weald that had been secured by the LEP through a bidding process that would be delivering 8000 new jobs and 4000 new homes. Members were also acquainted with direct investments that had been made from businesses and charities to support these projects.
Members attention was drawn to a table of comparison with LEPs nationally in 2016/17 and it was noted that the Greater Cambridge and Greater Peterborough LEP had been ranked third but Mr Reeve reported upon his desire to improve upon this ranking in the future.
Mr Reeve referred to the recent discussions on devolution in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and reported that the LEP had not signed the agreement in principle as they had concerns regarding the level of funding and involvement of the business community but had been actively involved in ongoing discussions, with a further meeting of the LEP Board in April 2016.
In concluding his presentation, Mr Reeve highlighted the future direction of the LEP that would continue to deliver existing projects and to support business growth for the benefit of local communities.
In response to a question from Councillor J E White on the LEP’s vision for the future in developing economic growth for the area, Mr Reeve reported upon their economic plan and transport strategy that had been designed for the whole geography of the area.
Councillor D A Giles referred to the level of housing growth in St Neots and the lack of economic development opportunities, whereby Mr Reeve welcomed a further discussion on this issue outside of the meeting .
In response to a question from Councillor T Hayward on the long term strategic plan for other major trunk roads in the District including the A428 and A1, Mr Reeve invited Councillor Hayward to appraise him further outside of the meeting.
The Executive Leader, Councillor J D Ablewhite, referred to the support of the Council for the LEP and Mr Reeve concurred that the support had been invaluable and many changes had been led by Huntingdonshire.
Actions:40 Minutes.