To provide an update on the progress made to implement the Street Scene Service to improve the service delivery arrangements and standards of work across Huntingdonshire including a review of grass maintenance regimes.
Contact:A Merrick 388635
i. Reviews the performance of the Street Scene Service detailed in the report, to influence the future development of service delivery arrangements for grounds maintenance and street cleansing activities; and
ii. That a further report on the resourcing of the Street Scene Service be presented to the Cabinet once negotiations with Cambridgeshire County Council conclude.
The Cabinet considered a report by the Interim Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) which provided an update on the progress made to implement the Street Scene Service (an integration of grounds maintenance and street cleansing activities on an area basis) to improve the service delivery arrangements and standards of work across Huntingdonshire, a review of grass maintenance regimes in 2016 and an update on negotiations with Cambridgeshire County Council regarding grass cutting frequencies in urban areas of land within their ownership.
Within the 2015/16 Zero Based Budget exercise it was agreed that the Council should fully recover the costs for providing grounds maintenance services to Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC). Negotiations with CCC had been ongoing since November 2015 and the fundamental issue being that the CCC Highways Asset Management Improvement Plan only incorporated three cuts per annum in urban areas, which to provide a maintained environment to a reasonable standard had been evidenced to be inadequate.
Since negotiations had been slow to progress, in June 2016 it was decided that the District Council would cease grass cutting for CCC having already completed the required three cuts, to redirect resources to the maintenance of District Council land. Subsequently grass cutting on CCC land recommenced in late July 2016 after CCC agreed to interim fund grass cutting in 2016 pending the finalisation of an agreement for grounds maintenance services in future years. The increased payments from CCC had assisted towards the actual costs being met by the District Council in 2016. The Cabinet were reminded that the grounds maintenance service not only included grass cutting but also shrub maintenance, hedge cutting, annual bedding and weed control.
In response to whether there was a national minimal standard of the number of grass cuts required per annum it was explained that eight cuts per annum was the standard adopted without the country. However, this year due to the exceptional growing conditions throughout the East of England at the end of the season there will have been twelve to fourteen cuts. Given the impact that climate change was having it was being considered to increase the number of cuts per annum in future years to twelve.
In response to a further question it was explained that the grounds maintenance team worked annualised hours which meant that in order to meet the needs of the service increased hours were worked during the summer months and less in the dormant season. The Council usually commenced grass cutting at the beginning of March and concluded at the end of October each year.
The Cabinet expressed disappointment with the manner in which CCC had addressed the situation and the increased dissatisfaction this had unnecessarily created with residents.
Having considered the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny (Communities and Environment) Panel the Cabinet fully supported Officers to continue negotiations with CCC to fully resolve the funding issue of the grounds maintenance service being provided on CCC owned land. The Cabinet commended the Interim Head of Operations for progress made with CCC negotiations so far and,
i. to review the performance of the Street Scene Service detailed in the report, to influence the future development of service delivery arrangements for grounds maintenance and street cleansing activities; and
ii. that a further report on the resourcing of the Street Scene Service be presented to the Cabinet once negotiations with Cambridgeshire County Council concluded.
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