Update on the progress made in implementing agreed internal audit actions due for introduction during the year ending 31 August 2016.
Contact:D Harwood 388115
Further to Minute No. 21 of the meeting held on the 20th July 2016 and by way of a report by the Internal Audit and Risk Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Committee was presented with an update of the current position with regard to the implementation of agreed audit actions in light of Members concerns raised previously.
Members’ attention was drawn to a summary of performance as at 31st August 2016 and the target set by Corporate Management Team that 100% of agreed internal audit actions should be introduced on time. Officers with responsibility for each audit action are required to provide an update of progress and until immediately prior to the meeting an update had not been provided for three audit actions under the responsibility of the Head of Community. The Internal Audit and Risk Manager acquainted the Committee with a verbal update in relation to the appointment of a Single Point of Contact (SPoC), whereby he advised that the post of CCTV Manager was currently vacant and the job description and person specification would be updated to reflect inclusion of the SPoC role. The Codes of Practice for CCTV systems had been established and implemented and as such would now be subject to a review by Internal Audit. The last outstanding action by the Head of Community referred to Licensing, rather than CCTV, and the Internal Audit and Risk Manager confirmed that an audit trail was held in the Licensing software system.
Councillor Mrs S Conboy suggested that the recording system could be improved by way of inclusion of a further date indicating the timescale if audit actions are not being implemented on time. In response, the Internal Audit and Risk Manager advised Members that there was currently no facility to add a secondary date but undertook to revisit this issue outside of the meeting. Furthermore, the Committee was advised that the software system ‘4Risk’ had been procured on the understanding that it had the ability to issue reminders but this had not been available and was currently being pursued with the supplier.
In referring to the percentage of audit actions that been introduced on time versus those that had been introduced late, Councillor Ms L A Duffy sought reassurance from Senior Management Team that such actions were being taken seriously, whereby the Chairman undertook to keep this as a live issue on the Committee’s Work Plan and raised the suggestion of inviting the relevant Executive Councillor along to a future meeting. The Internal Audit and Risk Manager suggested that an update could be provided at a future meeting and a decision be taken by Members as to whether the Executive Councillor be invited to attend following receipt of the September and October updates.
(a) that the progress achieved in the implementation of agreed internal audit actions be noted; and
(b) that following circulation of the September and October 2016 reports of implementation of agreed audit actions to Members, consideration be given to inviting the relevant Executive Councillor to the meeting of the Committee on the 7th December 2016 as necessary.
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