Councillor R B Howe, Executive Leader to provide an update on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority.
In accordance with the Protocol agreed at the last meeting, this item provides an opportunity for District Council Members to ask questions and comment on Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority issues.
If Members wish to raise questions or issues requiring a detailed response, it
would be helpful if they can provide prior notice so that the necessary information can be obtained in advance of the meeting.
(Notes: Update 10 Minutes
Questions 10 Minutes).
The Executive Leader, Councillor R B Howe, with the assistance of a presentation (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) provided an update to Members on progress to date with the work of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority. Whereupon Members’ attention was drawn to the new branding and logo of the Combined Authority that represented the eternity of all the Council’s in the Combined Authority area.
In noting that the Order establishing the Combined Authority had been made on the 2nd March 2017, Councillor Howe reported that their first meeting had been held on 20th March 2017 and confirmed the initial allocation of £20m of funding, with a further £20m later this month. It was noted that the Combined Authority confirmed the resolutions of the Shadow Board and some decisions had been taken in advance of the election of a Mayor including the budget and indicative resources for 2016-18 and the Medium Term Financial Forecast for 2018-21. It was anticipated the costs of running the Mayor’s office was £1m per annum, similar costs for the election of the Mayor and an additional £400k had been allocated in reserves, the costs of which it was suggested could be recovered in 2-3 years.
Attention was drawn to the four strategic priorities of the Combined Authority, specifically the growth plan that was under development that had included the Housing Strategy that had been signed off and submitted to the Department of Communities and Local Government. An allocation of 4k affordable homes in the Combined Authority area was expected over the next 5 years and delivery would be earlier than would normally be the case. It was further noted that the Local Transport Plan and Infrastructure Programme was under development.
Councillor Howe updated Members in relation to the Finance and Investment and Governance strategic priorities and with regard to the Public Service Reform Plan and Deal 2 it was anticipated that there would be no incremental costs to the Mayor’s Office but expected the Combined Authority to have a self-sufficient economy within a number of years.
With reference to the development of the Market Town Masterplan, Councillor Howe explained that there were nine market towns in the Combined Authority area and would be developed to regenerate the town centres through an integrated approach to housing, infrastructure deficit and development of a skills base using St Neots as an initial template. It was noted that three consulting companies were currently under consideration to develop the Plan to cover commercial and social development and would be integrated with the current St Neots Neighbourhood Plan and Local Plan. He further explained that the development of the Oxford to Cambridge corridor would help to ensure prosperity in the future. Currently no geographical location had been identified for the Enterprize Zone in St Neots but would be developed to help create and stimulate jobs for the local economy.
Councillor D A Giles indicated his pleasure at the encouraging and positive news for St Neots and looked forward to working with the Combined Authority in development of the St Neots Masterplan.
Arising from a question from Councillor Mrs S J Conboy on the pace of the processes and strategy development and communication of progress, Councillor Howe explained that aside from these regular briefings at each Council meeting, a new website was currently under development that would link to each constituent authority websites as well.
As a result of a question from Councillor T Hayward on the role of Overview and Scrutiny in the organisation, Councillor Howe reminded Members that the Overview and Scrutiny Members had been appointed from each constituent authority and the first Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny meeting would be held on 11th April 2017 and would have the ability to scrutinise the decisions already taken by the Combined Authority.
With reference to a question by Councillor M F Shellens, Councillor Howe explained that the 4k affordable housing was not based on existing allocations but new allocations.
Finally arising from concerns raised by Councillor P D Reeve on the lack of availability for pre-scrutiny of decision making of the Combined Authority, Councillor Howe explained that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee could not become functional until 8th May 2017 Combined and a decision log of the Combined Authority decisions would be made available at their first meeting.
Actions:20 Minutes