To consider a report regarding the re-ballot for BID Huntingdon for a second period of up to five years.
Contact:S Bedlow 387096
i. Authorise the Head of Customer Service to enter into the BID levy Operating Agreement required in order to meet the Council’s obligations under the Local Government Act 2003; and
ii. Authorise the Head of Development to cast positively any votes to which the District Council is entitled in the ballot.
Prior to the consideration by the Cabinet, Councillor D Brown declared a non-statutory disclosable interest by virtue of managing a business which paid a levy to Business Improvement District (BID) Huntingdon as well as being a Member of, and the Mayor of, Huntingdon Town Council.
The Cabinet considered a report (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) presented by the Executive Councillor for Growth following BID Huntingdon concluding its five year term and the requirement for a re-ballot in the summer of 2017.
At the recent Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Economy and Growth) meeting a presentation had been delivered to the Panel by the BID.
During the past five years the BID had successfully delivered the approved Business Plan and projects funded through the BID included Town Rangers, free membership to Huntingdonshire Business Against Crime (HBAC) scheme, LIVE magazine, business support, training and information, support for events, along with all the marketing events and promotional activities including the Huntingdon First website.
Over the course of the next 5 years it was envisaged that the BID would raise almost £1m, around 90% of which would be generated from the private sector for the support and development of a vibrant town centre. As a levy payer the Council contributed £10,680 annually towards the BID and as the collections agency the Council charged the BID £5,961 for issuing invoices and collecting the levy.
In order to continue its work the BID had to seek endorsement for a second period of up to five years by means of a ballot of all potential levy payers in the summer. The Council’s Returning Officer was responsible for instructing the ballot holder to hold a BID ballot for which full costs would be recovered from BID Huntingdon.
In response to a question it was explained that the Executive Councillor for Growth was the appointed District Council representative on BID Huntingdon and attended most meetings along with the Economic Development Manager.
Referring to the map of the BID Huntingdon area it was explained that the BID area included the ring road and businesses within the perimeter of the ring road. Businesses outside of the ring road were not required to pay a levy to BID Huntingdon but often subscribed to HBAC.
The comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Performance and Customers) had been circulated to the Cabinet separate to the agenda, the Panel meeting having occurred following the agenda publication. Having considered the comments of the Panel the Cabinet disagreed with its recommendation and concurred that the Head of Development should be able to cast positively any votes to which the District Council was entitled in the ballot, following which the Cabinet,
i. to authorise the Head of Customer Service to enter into the BID levy Operating Agreement required in order to meet the Council’s obligations under the Local Government Act 2003; and
ii. to authorise the Head of Development to cast positively any votes to which the District Council is entitled in the ballot.
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