Members are to receive the Strategic Review of Car Parking Project Overview and the Task and Finish Group Scoping Document.
Contact:N Sloper 388635
With the aid of a report by the Parking Services Manager (Operations) (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Strategic Review of Car Parking Project Overview was presented to the Panel. In addition to this the Task and Finish Group Scoping Document (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) was presented to the Panel.
The Executive Councillor for Operations gave the Panel a brief update to the background of the project. He informed Members that the previous review only examined charging and did review car parks holistically. It is proposed to develop a car parking strategy with the support of a task and finish group. It is hoped that the strategy will ensure that the car parks supports the economic growth of towns.
The Panel was informed that that the strategy will be underpinned by evidence and that the task and finish group will be required to gather evidence in order to inform them when developing the strategy.
Upon receiving the project overview and scoping document, a Member stated that they believe that the approach taken is much improvement upon the approach of the Review of Fees and Charges – Car Parks report.
The Member added that is important for the task and finish group to review parking in neighbouring areas and understand that the provision of parking does help attract customers. In response the Panel was informed that the task and finish group will looking at best practice in neighbouring authorities and added that the strategy will support attracting customers. In addition the Panel was informed that it was important to also review the relationship of the Council’s car parks with car parks owned by other parties within the District.
In response to a request that car park charging should be simple for residents, the Panel was informed that the charges will come after the strategy. Members were reminded that there is no such thing as a free car park as NNDR is charged on each car park. It will be up to the task and finish group to establish who pays for the NNDR, the council tax payer or the motorist.
A Member expressed appreciation that the task and finish group will consider all options including the Member’s own personal opinion of making car parks free for the motorist. The Panel was informed that it is important to consider all options and to obtain the best option for the residents of Huntingdonshire.
It was commented, by a Member, that the origins of the project may have started with a report on car park charges however there is now a good opportunity for Members to look at car parks in a holistic way. The Member added that there is more to car parking than charging, there is also the environment and accessibility.
Following a question in regards to the future of the car parks, the Panel was informed that the task and finish group will look at any plans for development and the allocation of each car park.
The Panel recognised that the work will be difficult and one particular Member expressed concern that the timescale is too tight considering the amount of work the task and finish group have planned to do. In response the Executive Councillor for Operations conceded that the timescale was ambitious however the Panel will receive regular updates and Members will be informed of any changes in the timescale of the project.
The Executive Leader stated that it is important to consider how the car parks can support the residents and businesses of the District’s towns. He added that all options for the car parks should be reviewed to ensure the maximum benefit for the towns.
The Panel agreed with the purpose of the task and finish group and confirmed that the Membership is as follows: Councillors D B Dew, I D Gardener, D J Mead and T D Sanderson. In addition it was noted that the Executive Councillor for Operations will support the task and finish group.
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