Councillor R Harrison, Executive Councillor for Growth addressed the Council on growth agenda currently being undertaken by the Council. A copy of Councillor Harrison’s PowerPoint presentation is appended in the Minute Book.
Members’ attention was drawn to the vision for growth in the District and it was explained that this would be achieved through the development of a flexible and resilient workforce, becoming the right environment for investment and encouraging a culture of enterprise. Councillor Harrison reminded Members of the launch of the Invest Huntingdonshire website and drew attention to the website usage since its launch last year. Members also noted the development of business information themed workshops that had been held in 2016/17 where attendance had been increasing and had offered advice to local businesses, together with providing an opportunity for networking.
Councillor Harrison reported upon the highlights of the Alconbury Enterprise Zone in 2016/17 and drew attention to the commercial enterprises that had begun to occupy the site and the recent tour of the site that had taken place for Members of the Council. Members also noted the EDGE shop that was available in Huntingdon that was designed to provide an information exchange for promoting local businesses and act as a jobs hub as the development of businesses expand on site. Attention was also drawn to a careers fair that had taken place in December 2016 involving all secondary schools in the District that had been run by EDGE.
Members noted that the Innovation Manufacturing Engineering Technology (IMET) facility had been developed at Alconbury Weald costing £10.5m achieved through growth funding by the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and scheduled for completion by the end of 2017.
In looking to the forthcoming year, Councillor Harrison identified the challenges that existed through development of the skills strategy and embracing the opportunities that existed such as the St Neots Masterplan and drew attention to the discussion paper that had been launched by the National Infrastructure Commission on the Oxford to Cambridge corridor and discovering the potential for additional enterprise zones. It was further noted that work was necessary to build relationships with key stakeholders such as the LEP and the Combined Authority.
In indicating her support for an enterprise zone in St Neots Councillor Ms S L Taylor highlighted her concern of the potential impact on the residents in the town and potential for employees to move with existing employers.
In response to a question from Councillor T D Sanderson on the potential for extending the template for St Neots Masterplan to other market towns, Councillor Harrison explained that following examination of the success of this this model it would be rolled out to other towns in the area.
Councillor Mrs S A Conboy commented upon the challenge of planning mixed development and how the process would be monitored to ensure that an industry element was being fulfilled, whereby Councillor Harrison concurred with the comments raised and suggested that the work of the Combined Authority could assist in this area.
Arising from a question from Councillor B S Chapman on the potential for development of an EDGE shop in St Neots and potential location for the enterprise zone in St Neots in relation to the A428, Members noted that potential was being explored for a ‘pop-up’ shop that could be moved throughout the District and Councillor Harrison explained that a discussion document would be available the following week with recommendations for the proposed route of the A428.
Following a question from Councillor D A Giles on the timescale of St Neots Masterplan and its links to the St Neots Neighbourhood Plan, Councillor Harrison reported that it was currently under development with the selection of potential consulting companies for delivery and assured Members that it would complement the Neighbourhood Plan and Local Plan.
In concluding and in response to a question by Councillor S Cawley, Councillor Harrison highlighted the importance of Town Councils and other partners getting involved in the development of the Market Town Masterplans.