By reference to the third paragraph of Minute No. 66 of the Minutes of the last Meeting, Councillor T Hayward asked for an update on whether action had been taken, whereby Councillor R Harrison explained that Mr S Bell, Team Leader Transportation had a meeting scheduled in mid-April that would enable further detail be made available to provide a clearer response to be put to the Minister.
Arising from a question from Councillor T D Sanderson on two specific cases in relation to overgrowth in Devoke Close, Huntingdon and issues with a resident’s permit for a resident at Great Northern Street Car Park, Huntingdon, Councillor J White explained that an issue existed with a number of parcels of land located throughout the District that had been orphaned and no ownership established for maintenance. It was noted that a review would be undertaken for such pieces of land with a view to potentially adopting and maintaining. In relation to the resident’s permit, it was suggested that a decision taken in July 2016 would be reviewed in light of the receipt of mitigating circumstances that had been provided specific to this case.
In response to a question by Councillor Mrs S J Conboy on the timescale for the Parking Strategy, Councillor White explained that work was progressing with a Task and Finish Group established to address the overall vision and parking charges. This would be presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Economy and Growth) in September 2017 prior to the Cabinet and endeavoured to keep Members informed of progress.
Councillor B S Chapman referred to ongoing issues with the surface of the road in West Street, St Neots and the Executive Leader, Councillor R B Howe highlighted the difficulties that they had faced in resolving this issue as the road was un-adopted and he was keen to reach a resolution on this problem by working with the County Council and investigate the potential for sponsorship by the Town Council.
In response to a question by Councillor P Kadewere on the closure of shops in Huntingdon Town Centre, Councillor Harrison explained that provision did not exist for the Council to review the rates as they were under the ownership of a private landlord.
Councillor Ms L A Duffy made specific reference to a resident’s difficulty in obtaining an additional refuse bin and the timescale involved, the matter of which had now been resolved, whereby Councillor White undertook to investigate further whether issues existed with the delivery of new bins with the Operations Division and would provide an update to Councillor Ms Duffy.
With reference to the penultimate paragraph of Minute No. 66 of the Minutes of the last meeting, Councillor D A Giles queried the lack of response and Councillor White had explained that he had contacted Councillor Giles following the last meeting asking for further detail to be provided on specific details of the road sign in Eaton Socon.
In response to a question from Councillor Hayward, Councillor Harrison confirmed his confidence in the plan for a 5 year delivery of housing in the area.