The Panel are to receive the Annual Review of Green Space and Play Provision. (Report To Follow)
Contact:N Sloper 388635
With the aid of a report (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book), Councillor Jim White, Executive Councillor for Operations, and Neil Sloper, Head of Operations, presented the annual review of green space and play provision.
The Panel received a progress update from September 2016 which summarised work undertaken by the Council and with partners in providing green space and play facilities. Previously much of this was funded by Section 106 (S106) funding but most of this has been spent so the Operations team’s most important function now is influencing developers to incorporate green space and play provision into designs. Among new options being reviewed is the possibility of crowd funding, with a budget proposal to be put forward for a trial which would see capital ‘seed’ funding from the Council allocated so customers can get involved in making decisions on which projects to fund. The focus of recent provision has been on those areas where needs are greatest, as previously identified through analysis of requirements across the District.
Members who also sit on St Neots Town Council requested further information on discussions with the District Council and the inclusion of the Riversmead play area which was funded by the Town Council. The Head of Operations undertook to check the Town Council’s involvement and share the details.
Concerns were raised over the possibility of further housing being added to planned developments at the expense of green spaces and play areas and a Member suggested that land should be allocated for these facilities. This was noted by the Head of Operations who told the Panel that they would make planners aware of the need to allocate sufficient green space and play facilities. Alconbury Weald was highlighted as a good example of where early input has influenced delivery of green space and play areas and it was suggested that the Panel may benefit from a visit to the site in the Spring.
In response to a query about a perceived focus on Huntingdon and St Neots, the Panel was informed that the focus of new development and improvements is on those areas where under provision has been identified and that deliverability is influenced by funding so tends to be concentrated on where S106 or Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding is available.
The Head of Operations confirmed that the assessment of need for green space and play provision for new developments was broadly based on the number of homes planned rather than how many children may live there. If a higher level of children is expected that increases the importance of designing in sufficient space for green space and play facilities from the start.
In response to requests for allotment fencing, accessible gate entrances, a good mix of play equipment across age ranges, facilities which can be shared with older people and provision of sensory facilities, it was confirmed that these could be considered where the Council has responsibility although decisions will be subject to the resources available and many play areas and green spaces are managed by town/parish councils. A District-wide fencing audit has been undertaken with a program of refurbishments drawn up to be funded through capital bids. Members were encouraged to submit suggestions about how best to provide green spaces and play facilities to Operations.
The Panel recommended that Operations continue to work proactively with Town/Parish Councils and ensure allocated S106/CIL funds are spent on time.
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