The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority – Local Transport and Connectivity Plan is to be presented to the Panel.
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By means of a report by the Chief Planning Officer (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book), the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) – Local Transport and Connectivity Plan was presented to the Panel.
Disappointment was expressed by Councillor Gardener that the document did not go into enough detail on the subject of public transport. It was stated that rural communities are not served by public transport, and that rural roads are often perceived to be unsafe for cyclists, therefore these communities are unable to make any alternative decisions for transport other than by private car. Councillor Gardner further observed that if the Council’s climate aspirations are to be met, alternative transports needed to be developed and made available across the whole district not just the four towns within the district. The Panel heard that whilst this observation was well put, the CPCA must be commended for acknowledging the challenges faced within Huntingdonshire, in particular the aspirations for an improved bus service. It was noted that greater detail will follow in due course.
The Panel heard that the report specifically highlighted demand responsive travel in Ramsey, however Councillor Gardener argued that this issue is district wide and not restricted to the towns which are better served than rural areas.
Councillor Howell queried whether there were any reassurances on public transport provision in the North of the district. It was specifically noted that as Yaxley borders another authority, there are no direct bus links with the Serpentine Green Shopping Centre which is a main hub for shopping for Yaxley residents. The Panel heard that whilst concerns are recognised, the report provides high level strategy, more detail will come forward in specific projects as this is progressed.
Having expressed appreciation that Ramsey had been highlighted for improvement within the report, Councillor Corney stated that he felt the Council’s response should be more strongly worded. It was particularly noted that whilst the demand based transport model currently works, it is not felt to be sustainable should demand increase. Councillor Cawley seconded the call for a punchier response and especially highlighted the disappointing lack of detail within the report. The Panel heard that the comments of the Panel would be noted and the response reviewed prior to submission.
It was observed by Councillor Gray, that the CPCA needed to make some decisions and provide further detail whilst allowing local authorities scope to provide a more detailed response. The Panel were advised that the Cabinet report would be submitted alongside the response to compensate for the restrictive nature of the response form.
Councillor Pickering enquired whether any secure cycle storage facilities were planned for the district, as he felt the lack of these was another major obstacle in encouraging cycling within the district. The Panel heard that this level of detail was anticipated within the Active Travel document, which the Council would expect to have input into.
Councillor Gardener again highlighted that the report focused on the market towns within the district with no alternatives to private cars being mentioned for rural areas which make up the bulk of the district. The Panel were assured that the recognition of challenges faced by our rural district were included within the Council’s response.
The Panel praised the hard work of the officers and commented on the limited scope within which they were able to comment. It was thereupon
that the Cabinet be encouraged to endorse the recommendations contained within the report.
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