By means of a report by the Business Intelligence and Performance Manager (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book), the Corporate Performance Report 2022/23 Quarter 2 was presented to the Panel.
Following a question from Councillor Harvey, the Panel heard that changes to attendance at One Leisure were likely due to early cost of living pressures and that the One Leisure team continued to monitor and react accordingly to attendance reports. It was also advised that increased energy costs would likely impact the service in the coming months.
Councillor Cawley and Councillor Gray observed that the One Leisure offer is not the same as it was pre COVID and enquired on plans to reinstate fitness classes and activities which were previously available. The Panel were advised that as that level of detail is not available within the report this would be investigated and communicated back at a later date.
In response to a question from Councillor Wells, the Panel heard that the Council continued to work with partners on the development and availability of Cambs WiFi across the district and that performance feedback could be relayed back to the providers.
The Panel heard that Community Chest Grants, where payment details were available, were paid to date in reply to an enquiry from Councillor Howell.
Following a question from Councillor Cawley on the difference in tonnage between green compostable and dry recycling waste in PI1, the Panel were advised that a detailed explanation would be sought and circulated to the Panel following the meeting.
Councillor Gardener enquired about the increase in days to process new benefit claims in PI13, the Panel heard that whilst there is some seasonality to claim processing this is reflective of the increase in claims received for processing due to the current economic climate.
Councillor Gray questioned the statement at KA1 and observed that a Climate Emergency had not been declared. He stated that this related to the cost of living crisis and felt that this inaccuracy was misleading.
Some concern was expressed surrounding continued delays to the Market Town Programme projects in St Ives and St Neots, in particular the effect of these delays to the residents of the town due to the continued decrease in spending power of the available funds as goods and services continue to rise in line with the economic climate. Following debate on the progress of the Market Town Programme projects, the Panel were assured that detail on this would be sought and reported back. Councillor Wakeford, who at the invitation of the Chair, joined the Panel, clarified that ongoing work with partners would ensure the right projects were commissioned and remained affordable.
Councillor Gray observed that the project at St Neots Riverside Walks should be shown as Red status due to unresolved objections from the Environment Agency making the project undeliverable within the given timescales. The Panel were advised that a progress status would be sought and reported back along with revised timescales.
Councillor Blackwell challenged the stated forecast decline of footfall for Huntingdon Town Centre in PI5 as many activities were being undertaken by the Town Council to engage and encourage the community to the area.
Having welcomed the report, it was thereupon
that the Cabinet be recommended to endorse the recommendations within the report.
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