The Overview and Scrutiny Panel is invited to note progress on the Market Town’s Programme Autumn update.
Executive Councillor: S Wakeford
Contact:P Scott 01480 388486
By means of a report by the Regeneration and Housing Delivery Manager (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book) the Market Towns Programme – Autumn Update 2023/24 was presented to the Panel.
The Panel heard, following a question from Councillor Jennings, that feedback from other Local Authorities on their experience with the wayfinding project had been sought and an update would be brought in the next quarterly report to the Panel.
Councillor Pickering expressed concerns on funding deadlines from the Future High Street Fund in relation to the Priory Centre project, however the Panel were reassured that although the project was working to tight deadlines, it was felt that these remained achievable. In addition, the team were working closely alongside the funding provider who had indicated that a commitment to spent the funding would be sufficient to secure the funding if the project timescales did slip.
Following a question from Councillor Corney, the Panel heard that the results of the Ramsey Parking Survey had been shared with the local Town Council, however these can also be shared with ward members if it has not yet filtered through.
Councillors Slade and Gardner expressed the importance of ensuring that communication with local residents is underway prior to the commencement of the project. The Panel were assured that the project would be project managed by Cambridgeshire County Council in partnership with Huntingdonshire District Council, an agile Communications Plan was in place, with any feedback or input from local Councillors welcomed.
Councillor Slade further enquired whether there was a conflict of interest with the appointment of CIC as they were also leading on the Inclusive Steering Group under the Place Strategy. The Panel heard that the Executive Councillor had no concerns over this but would follow up with Councillors outside of the meeting.
Councillor Gleadow raised a concern over the risk of inflation affecting the budget for the programme of works in St Neots market Square, following which, the Panel were assured that a detailed costing procedure had been undertaken to ensure a deliverable scheme could be achieved and that risk factors had been accommodated for within the budget.
Councillor Pickering observed that 7.4 related to sensors for Housing Association properties and enquired how these would be funded. The Panel heard that these sensors would be useful for the Environmental Health team in monitoring properties rented by Private Landlords and opportunities to co-ordinate with Local Housing Associations were being investigated.
It was observed by Councillor Slade that there had been negative press in St Neots relating to the Shopfront Scheme only being available to businesses in Huntingdon and St Ives. The Panel heard that the available funding had been
solely for those two towns, however following several successful applications some funding remained available and it was believed that the funders may be open to negotiations to expand the scheme subject to a review of spend at the end of the next quarter, into the other market towns. Councillor Gardener further enquired whether this could in turn be opened up for Key Service Areas across the district, whereupon the Panel were advised that this funding pot was specifically for the market towns however, other funding opportunities would be investigated as they came to light.
Councillor Corney requested to record his appreciation for the hard work done by the team and noted that feedback received from colleagues across district and town councils is positive, a sentiment echoed by the Panel. Further to this,
the Panel heard that regular engagement events were being built into the diary to provide further updates for Councillors and local Councils.
Following the discussion, it was
that the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel be passed to Cabinet for their consideration when making a decision upon the recommendations contained within the report.
21:01 Councillor A Blackwell and T Sanderson left the meeting.
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