The Panel is invited to comment on the Indoor and Built Sports Facilities Strategy and Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy.
Executive Councillor: S Taylor
Contact:M Grey 07719 745318
By means of a report by the Sports Development Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Indoor and Built Sports Facilities Strategy and Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy was presented to the Panel.
Following a question from Councillor Alban, the Panel heard that in house assessments had been undertaken in recent years and were available on the Council’s website. The Panel were also advised that the work undertaken on the assessment being considered had cost in the region of £37,000, however this assessment has been endorsed by Sport England and will help the Council make informed decisions across many of its services such as Planning. By creating the independent and verified report, ensured a robust report which would support these decisions.
In response to a question from Councillor Bywater, the Panel were advised that independent sports clubs and external partners could use the report to apply for available funding across the leisure sector. In particular it was mentioned that the Leisure team were in contact with the operators of the Sawtry swimming pool and would support them with their funding bid to Sport England.
The Panel also heard, following a further question from Councillor Bywater, that Outdoor Gyms would be added to the Action Plan which would be developed following the approval of the report. Councillor Lowe added an observation that, in her experience, some Parish Councils had purchased outdoor gym equipment and located this within the park facilities that they maintain.
The Panel were advised that a future review of the One Leisure swimming pools would be undertaken and that this would include the supporting operational plant for energy efficiency purposes. This review will aim to align with the Council’s Climate Strategy.
Councillor Shaw observed that the report made mention of facilities outside of the district within a 30 minute radius, and enquired where the 30 minutes was measured from. The Panel were advised that this detail would be sought and reported back at a future date.
Councillor Alban expressed concern surrounding the discrepancies that the Panel had observed within the report considering the cost. The Panel were advised that the consultants had been very supportive and would feed this back to them.
Councillor Shaw drew attention to what appeared to be conflicting information surrounding the number of Badminton courts at Hinchingbrooke, the Panel were advised that this would be checked and the findings reported back to the Panel.
The Panel heard, following an enquiry from Councillor Alban, that the Athletics track at the One Leisure St Ives Outdoor Centre once again had England Athletics accreditation. The officer advised that the industry had recognised national issues within these type of facilities and had revised their accreditation criteria accordingly. The Panel were also advised that although the infield space within the track was used for athletics, it can also be used for mini soccer outside of the athletics season.
In response to concerns from Councillor Alban relating to the promotion of the Courts For Kids scheme at One Leisure centres, the Panel were advised that the scheme was still available and that the promotional schedule would be communicated to Councillors.
The Panel were advised that running clubs were consulted during the formation of the report, however the officers would check how non track based running clubs had been referenced in the report with the consultants.
In response to a further question from Councillor Shaw, the Panel were advised that whilst a full audit had been undertaken of parish, community and village halls, further input would be sought from those facilities to ensure that availability details be included, allowing for other groups to get the full benefit of the report and therefore utilise the report to subsequently apply for their own funding if required.
It was thereupon
that the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel be passed to Cabinet for their consideration when making a decision upon the recommendations contained within the report.
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