Erection of dwelling and alteration of access - Land Rear of Former Vicarage, Church Lane, Hartford.
(A Wright, objector, and Dr R Wickham, agent, addressed the Committee on the application).
See Minute No 15 for Members’ interests.
that the application be refused for the following reasons:
a) The proposed dwelling fails to respond positively to its surrounding context by virtue of its design, form and scale, resulting in visual prominence along Church Lane and harming the character and appearance of the area. It is considered that the proposals fail to comply with part 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021), parts C1, C2, I1, I2 and B2 of the National Design Guide (2019), policies LP2, LP11 and LP12 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan together with the place making principles set out within chapter 3 of the HDC Design Guide SPD 2017 and Policy BE2 of the Huntingdon Neighbourhood Plan.
b) The development of this site would harm and detract from the significance of the character and appearance of the Hartford Conservation Area. The site is the former land and garden of The Vicarage of Hartford and contributes to the Conservation Area not only for its aesthetic value as an open green space, but also because of its evidential and historic values. The proposed dwelling is not considered to sustain the morphology of the Conservation Area. The proposals also harm the settings of nearby Listed Buildings (All Saints Church and 4-6 Church Lane) and the way they are experienced within the contest of Church Lane. The harm to the designated heritage asset would be less than substantial (as set out in the NPPF and therefore the harm has to be weighed against the public benefits) but the limited public benefit of the development such as one market dwelling and the employment associated with its construction, would not outweigh the harm caused. The proposal is considered to be contrary to the requirements of the Sections 66 and 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and Sections 12 and 16 of the NPPF which aim to preserve and enhance the conservation area. The proposal is also considered to be contrary to policies LP2 and LP34 of Huntingdonshire's Local Plan to 2036 (2019) and Policy BE3 of the Huntingdon Neighbourhood Plan.
c) The majority of the proposed external amenity area would be overshadowed by the existing trees and the proposed dwelling on the site. The proposal therefore fails to demonstrate that high quality future residential external amenity standards for residents will be provided contrary to policies LP12 and LP14 criterion (a) of Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036.
d) Insufficient information has been submitted to demonstrate that the proposed dwelling would have acceptable levels of daylight and sunlight due to the proximity of existing trees. The proposal therefore fails to demonstrate that high quality future residential internal amenity standards for residents will be provided contrary to policies LP12 and LP14 criterion (a) of Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036.
e) The proximity of the proposed dwelling to the existing trees on the site and the impact upon the internal and external amenity for future occupiers may create pressure to remove further tree cover to improve the amenity for future occupiers. The trees have significant public visual amenity value, and their retention and protection are essential. Any further removals may diminish the overall group amenity value and its contribution to the character of the area and the Huntingdon Conservation Area. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy LP11, LP12, LP31 and LP34 of the Local Plan.
Supporting documents: