To consider an update on HR matters impacting on the performance of the organisation.
Contact:N Bane - 388422
The Committee received and noted a report on Human Resources matters impacting on the performance of the Council during the period 1st April to 30th June 2023. The report included the latest position and trends relating to employee numbers, salary costs and sickness absence. A copy of the report is appended in the Minute Book.
The Committee was informed that the total number of employees at the end of the last quarter was higher than at the end of the previous quarter and that the total spend on pay costs for employees in 2023/24 was forecasted to be £980,000 lower than the year’s budget. Members received clarification of which year the ongoing pay negotiations would have an impact on.
The report indicated that three employees had retired in the quarter. Members recognised the employee’s achievements and asked that their congratulations be passed on. In response to a question by Councillor
Councillor West expressed the view that if renumeration levels were not comparable with those of other councils, the Council would not be able to recruit individuals to deliver the services it wants to provide. He further stated that the Council should be able to set Council Tax at a level that would provide the resources needed without being capped. Having referred to the justifications for decisions taken by the previous administration, he drew attention to the financial difficulties faced by residents and options for additional Government support. The Strategic HR Manager acknowledged that pay was challenging. Councillor Hassall reminder Members of decisions taken on financial matters since 2013 and agreed with Councillor West on the subject of capping currently but pointed out that since 2013 the Council had not raised Council Tax to the level of the cap. In response to a question by Councillor Gleadow the Strategic HR Manager pointed out that most councils had adopted the National Joint Committee terms of employment, but agreed to provide benchmarking information at a future meeting.
Following questions by Councillor Blackwell, the Strategic HR Manager undertook to obtain data on staff turnover compared to other local councils and on sickness levels compared with other councils. Councillor Cawley congratulated Officers on reducing the level of sickness but asked if an investigation could be carried out into whether there were any links between performance measures a sickness. In addition, it was suggested these data should be augmented with details of reasons for leaving and analysis of sickness trends within the Council.
The Committee then discussed the management of stress amongst the workforce. The measures in place included Mental Health First Aiders, and assistance programme and other support services. In response to a question by Councillor West, it was confirmed that some individuals who had left had been Mental Health First Aiders and that some, but not all of the First Aiders had been replaced.
The Employee Representatives Group drew Members’ attention to the fact that the number of disciplinary hearings had taken place but that they had not been approached to provide support to the individuals involved. To enable them to provide the necessary support training would be required. The Strategic HR Manager confirmed that the currently was a higher than normal caseload but it did not represent a trend, which made it difficult to plan for.
It was then
a) that the contents of the report be noted, and
b) that the Council place on record its recognition of and gratitude for the excellent contribution made by the employees who had recently retired from employment in the local government service and pass on its best wishes for a long and happy retirement.
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