The Panel is invited to receive and comment on the Corporate Performance Report 2023/24 Quarter 2.
Executive Councillor: S Ferguson
Contact:D Buckridge 01480 388065
By means of a report by the Business Intelligence and Performance Manager (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book) the Corporate Performance Report 2023/24 Quarter 2 was presented to the Panel.
In response to a question from Councillor Harvey regarding KPIs 3 and 4, the Panel heard that the forecast for KPI 3 was being reduced due to delays from partners therefore a realistic forecast was being reported, with the target and ambition to deliver more remaining unchanged. In addition, the Panel were advised that the Council were very mindful of the struggles experienced by residents. However, again there were other agencies involved whilst would affect the number of completions. The Panel were assured that the Council has several meetings booked to continue to develop these scenarios into the best and most efficient results for our residents.
Councillor Jennings observed that the Riverside Park project in Appendix C was still showing as a green status when there were known delays, the Panel heard that this project was being overseen by the Major Change Board and that statuses are reviewed by that Board, with deadlines revised only after formal change requests are approved. Concerns about project statuses reported in Appendix C can be included in comments from the Panel and considered by Cabinet.
Councillor Blackwell expressed concerns over the levels of staff sickness and turnover shown in PI25 and PI26. The Panel were assured that the reported figures were being assessed against the 2023/24 targets for the Council, compared well with historic levels and followed national trends. It was further assured that work was being undertaken to look at how sickness absence was recorded to allow long-term sickness to be separated out and give a more detailed picture for year end.
It was noted that the targets within the report had been agreed and set via the democratic cycle under the Performance Framework Management report. It was recognised by the Panel that the performance targets were set up initially with the understanding that they would be subject to review in light of experience. Councillor Blackwell expressed concerns that there were several discrepancies between the quarterly report and the actual status of performance. The Panel were assured that the figures and performance status were regularly shared with senior management within the Council to allow for intervention as required, it was also noted that many projects remained on course to achieve their targets by year end. The Panel were assured that new targets would be set for the next financial year to reflect actual performance and experience.
In response to a question from Councillor Martin, the Panel heard that in the future it was hoped that targets would be more ambitious however a base line was being set in the current financial year and opportunities to develop this in the future would be investigated.
Following a question from Councillor Martin PI12, the Panel were advised that the target set took into account the efforts being made within Planning on dealing with backlog cases and the impact this may have on in-year performance. In response to a question from Councillor Howell on KA21, the Panel were assured that these projects were in progress and on course for completion by the end of the year, therefore the project status remained at green.
The Panel were advised, following a question from Councillor Gardener, that more details would be obtained regarding the type of temporary accommodation used under PI9 and this would be reported back at a future date.
Following the discussion, it was
that the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel be passed to Cabinet for their consideration when making a decision upon the recommendations contained within the report.
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