To consider an update on HR matters impacting on the performance of the organisation.
Contact:N Bane - 388422
The Committee received and noted a report on Human Resources matters impacting on the performance of the Council during the period 1st July to 30th September 2023. The report included the latest position and trends relating to employee numbers, salary costs and sickness absence. A copy of the report is appended in the Minute Book.
The Committee was informed that the total number of employees at the end of the last quarter was higher than at the end of the previous quarter and that the total spend on pay costs for employees in 2023/24 was forecasted to be £528,000 lower than the year’s budget. However, the expected overspend on contractors and agency staff meant there was likely to be an overall overspend of £285,000 against the staffing budget.
The report indicated that three employees had retired in the quarter. Members recognised the employees’ achievements and asked that their congratulations be passed on.
Following a comment by Councillor Hassall on the positive trend in staff turnover, the Strategic HR Manager added that some sections had higher rates, but this was expected. A gap analysis on salaries would be carried out when the new rates had been introduced. Having noted that the Planning section was experiencing lower turnover rates than previously, but that recruitment remained a challenge, the Chief Executive outlined the measures being introduced to improve the situation, including the launch of a campaign in early January to attract those considering a move by demonstrating the investment and support the Council was putting into the service and value it had. The outcome of the campaign would be assessed for use in other areas.
The Chair expressed support for the reported developments in relation to apprenticeships and the Vice-Chair asked about action taken in respect of long-term sickness. The Strategic HR Manager outlined the resources and support that the Council dedicated to the latter.
Councillor Cawley commented on the fact that One Leisure posts currently being advertised were being offered on fixed-term contracts. In response the Strategic HR Manager informed the Committee that this was being done temporarily while a review was being undertaken. Following a further question by Councillor Cawley, the Strategic HR Manager outlined the steps being taken to establish employee networks.
Councillor Keane drew attention to the amount of time employees had taken off for Union duties. In answer to detailed questions, the Strategic HR Manager reported that the total of 111 hours involved four employees, that legislation required the Council to allow representatives reasonable time to perform their roles and this was part of the agreement reached with the Union. The arrangement had been the subject of benchmarking and was consistent with other local authorities. The time had been used for training and as the representatives had only recently been appointed it would not be at the same level in future years. Councillor Keane stressed the importance of reporting this information and requested that future reports contained figures for Union and Employee Representatives Group activities. It was then
a) that the contents of the report be noted, and
b) that the Council place on record its recognition of and gratitude for the excellent contribution made by the employees who had recently retired from employment in the local government service and pass on its best wishes for a long and happy retirement.
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