Installation of a solar park to export up to 25 MW (AC) electricity, comprising up to 65,000 photovoltaic panels, 10 inverter/transformer cabins associated works - Land North East of Bates Lodge, Peterborough Road, Haddon.
(Councillors Butler, Corney, Davenport-Ray, McAdam, Mickelburgh, Mokbul, Neish, Sanderson and Tevlin only were present in the room for this item).
Pursuant to Minute No 23/40 (a), by means of a report by the Planning Service Manager (Development Management) (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Committee gave further consideration to the application for the installation of a solar park to export up to 25 MW (AC) electricity, comprising up to 65,000 photovoltaic panels, 10 inverter/transformer cabins associated works on land North-East of Bates Lodge, Peterborough Road, Haddon. The report contained analysis of the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which had been published after the Committee’s decision. Members were acquainted with the areas of the revised NPPF that were relevant to the development proposal. Having commented that the changes did not constitute grounds to alter the decision, it was
a) that the report now submitted be received and noted;
b) that the revised NPPF does not materially alter the Committee’s consideration of the application and the decision to refuse the application be confirmed, and
c) that the reasons for the decision be confirmed as follows:
1. By virtue of the siting of the development, the proposal would result in the loss of 8.3 hectares of Grade 3a Agricultural Land, designated as Best and Most Versatile Agricultural Land (BMV Land) in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2023 and available for productive growth. The application fails to demonstrate the proposed development would not lead to the irreversible loss or degradation of BMV Land to the detriment of food production and its contribution to the local and rural economy, and contrary to policies LP10 and LP35 of Huntingdonshire's Local Plan to 2036 and Para 180 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2023.
2. The application site forms part of the eastern slope of a valley located within the Northern Wolds Landscape Character Area, characterised by the ridged topography formed by streams flowing within valleys, and which includes the highest land in the District. Valley landscapes within this area are notable for being well vegetated and intimate in landscape character, with more open ridgelines and plateaux. By virtue of the significant scale of the development, located partially on the valley slope, the solar array would be visually dominant from views both near to and far from the site, particularly from Public Rights of Way (Bridleways 111/5, 111/8, 46/4 and 75/18, and Permissive Path CSS: 05/352/0003) and to users of the A605, Bullock Road and Haddon Road. It would undermine the distinctive and verdant character of the valley through the loss of vegetated fields, and the proposed landscaping scheme has not demonstrated it would be sufficient to mitigate such views given the significant topographical change across the site and the visibility from longer views. The development therefore fails to recognise the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside and would undermine its sensitive landscape character through inappropriate design, position, visual prominence, and the introduction of intrusive lighting into an otherwise dark landscape. The proposal would conflict with policies LP10 and LP35 of Huntingdonshire's Local Plan to 2036 and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework 2023, particularly paragraphs 135 and 180.
3. The proposed development, by reason of its scale, the need for lighting within an otherwise dark landscape and the introduction of glint and glare from the reflective panels, would materially harm the amenity of occupants at Bates Lodge, a residential dwelling 470m to the west of the site. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies LP14 and LP35 of Huntingdonshire's Local Plan to 2036 and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework, particularly paragraphs 135 and 191.
4. Insufficient information has been submitted to demonstrate the proposed development would not result in an adverse impact to the safe functioning of Sibson Airfield and RAF Wittering, or the operation of private aircraft utilising surrounding fields by virtue of glint and glare arising from reflected light from the solar panels, contrary to policies LP14 and LP35 and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework 2023, particularly paragraph 191.
Supporting documents: