The Executive Councillor for Customer Services, Councillor S Ferguson to present the Local Government Association Governance Peer Challenge report.
(The report was considered at the meeting of the Cabinet on the 16th April 2024 and a Special Meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee on 18th April 2024).
Contact:15 Minutes.
With the assistance of a report by the Chief Executive (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book), Councillor S Ferguson, Executive Councillor for Resident Services and Corporate Performance presented the feedback report from the Local Government Association Governance Peer Challenge, together with details of progress made against the actions identified.
By way of introduction, Councillor Ferguson reminded the Council that the Peer Review Team had revisited the Council in February 2024 to assess progress made against the recommendations from their review in March 2023. Members were advised that the team made five recommendations, the first concentrating on progress against the initial seventeen recommendations from the March 2023 review and the remaining four having regard to wider corporate governance issues. Council were also advised that the report had been reviewed and considered by Overview and Scrutiny and the Cabinet.
In responding to the report, Councillor R Martin, Leader of the Conservatives outlined his Group’s general support to the actions which were being undertaken and the willingness of his group to assist in driving these forwards. However, he commented on the pace at which some of the issues were being addressed and sought clarification that actions were going to be given the priority which was needed moving forward. Having regard to the comments within the document about resources and the fact there were a further three reviews to be undertaken, Councillor Martin also commented on the need to ensure that there were sufficient resources in place to undertake these resources and implement any actions that were arising therefrom.
Having congratulated Councillor Martin on his new role as Leader of the Conservative Group, the Executive Leader reiterated that Peer Reviews were about learning from others about what the Authority did well and what could be improved, as well as making sure the Council were on a continuous learning curve. She emphasised that cross party working was critical to making sure that learning was embedded across the organisation and thanked Councillor Martin for his offer to work collaboratively in this regard.
Councillor Ferguson reported verbally on the recent visit from the Local Government Association and the positive comments which had been made regarding corporate governance within the Council. He outlined his ambition to develop the Council’s corporate governance over the course of the next two years to a position whereby it is seen as exemplary.
Councillor Hodgson-Jones indicated that he shared Councillor Ferguson’s ambition to establish the Authority as exemplary in terms of the quality and effectiveness of its corporate governance. He explained that the Corporate Governance Committee had over the course of the past two years been trying to become more proactive in the areas of risk management and internal audit. However, he expressed concern regarding the loss of resources with the internal audit function and the impact this might have on progress on actions within these areas. With this in mind, he urged progress to be made in addressing this resourcing issue.
In addressing the Council, the Assistant Deputy Executive Leader Councillor Sam Wakeford reminded members that change within an organisation of the size of District Council would always take time and that the report had been intended to identify learning opportunities and areas for improvement. He also took the opportunity the positive spirit of engagement expressed from the opposition which would help to make the District Council as effective for residents as possible.
Councillor Sanderson concurred that it was equally important to highlight the areas for improvement as well as the successes over the course of the previous years, across both administrations. He also expressed his appreciation to the officer team for their hard work in preparing for the reviews and their work on a day-to-day basis. He had no doubt that the Leader of the Opposition and his group would continue to ensure that the administration were held to account and that Council meetings were positive and worthwhile.
Finally, the Chief Executive reminded Council Members that the Corporate Governance Committee would be considering an updated version of the action Plan at their meeting on 28th May 2024 which would provide further detail on the current position.
Whereupon and having been proposed by Councillor S W Ferguson and seconded by Councillor S J Conboy, it was
(a) that the LGA Governance Peer Challenge report as set out as Appendix 1 to the report now submitted be received and the recommendations noted; and
(b) that Appendix 2 to the report now submitted which provides an update on progress against all the proposed recommendations be noted.
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