To consider an application for a new premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 made by the following:
Applicant: Neotists CIC
Premises: Priory Park, St Neots
Contact:W Dell O'Refice - (01480) 387075
To grant the license subject to the following conditions:
1. Only one event per annum is permitted for no more than 2 consecutive days and will not be permitted on weekends with bank holidays.
2. The only events involving amplified live and/or recorded music/sound held under this licence on Priory Park should be those organised by Neotists CIC
3. The exact date of the St Neots Festival each year will be notified to the Licensing Authority and the Local Safety Advisory Group as soon as it has been agreed for the year, and in any case no later than 3 months prior to the date of the event. The notice will include a draft version of the Event Management Plan.
4. The Premises Licence Holder will submit the final agreed version of the EMP to the Safety Advisory Group no later than 14 days before the day of the event. The final version of the EMP must be agreed by the Licensing Authority and Cambridgeshire Police.
5. The EMP shall (as a minimum) contain, but is not limited to:
a) A detailed site plan showing the locations of entertainment areas, food and drink vendors, entrances and exits, emergency access points and other relevant areas
b) Details of security and stewarding arrangements for the event, including crowd management and control
c) A drugs policy
d) A Traffic Management Policy
e) A Safeguarding Policy
f) A Noise Management Plan
6. Any changes to the final EMP may only be made with the written agreement of the Licensing Authority.
7. The contents of the EMP will be regarded as licence conditions, where it relates to the licensable activities and licensing objectives.
Supporting documents: