To consider an update on HR matters impacting on the performance of the organisation.
Contact:N Bane - 388422
The Committee received and noted a report on Human Resources matters impacting on the performance of the Council during the period 1st January to 31st March 2024. The report included the latest position and trends relating to employee numbers, salary costs and sickness absence. A copy of the report is appended in the Minute Book.
The Committee was informed that the total number of employees at the end of the last quarter was virtually the same as at the end of the previous quarter and that the total spend on pay costs for employees in 2023/24 was £330k higher than the year’s budget. The report indicated that four employees had retired in the quarter. Members recognised the employees’ achievements and asked that their congratulations be passed on to them.
Members’ attention was drawn to the success of a recent recruitment initiative, which was designed to encourage applications for vacant posts in the Development Management section. A video, which had been produced to support the initiative, was played to the Committee. It was intended to use such initiatives for future recruitment drives. In response to a question by Councillor Keane, it was confirmed that the video had been posted on LinkedIn. In addition, candidates had reported they had used LinkedIn to obtain background information about the Council.
Regarding health and safety, and after a question by Councillor Cawley, the Committee was informed that all manual staff received manual handling and safe lifting training in a face-to-face context. On a related subject, all Lifeguards received monthly training. Councillor Cawley suggested that the Council should introduce a system to record near-misses.
The Chair expressed concern at the reported sickness absence trends, particularly those attributed to stress. It was reported that these cases tended to be associated with longer serving employees. In that context and following a question by Councillor Davenport-Ray, the Committee noted that the position reported was consistent with national trends and was held by some to reflect that economic situation.
Councillor Keane asked about the use made by the Council of apprenticeships. Members were advised that full use was made of the Apprenticeship Levy and that courses varied in their costs. Furthermore, they could be taken up at different stages of individuals’ careers and the establishment of a network of apprentices provided them with an extra layer of support. Members commended the Council’s approach to apprenticeships.
Following a further question by the Chair, the Committee was acquainted with the new arrangements for the iCare Awards, which would become an ongoing process. Members were advised that they were able make nominations.
D Pope questioned the definition of High Earners given the length of time the current one had been in place. It was confirmed that the figure was prescribed in legislation but that the Council would consider whether there was scope to report any additional information voluntarily. The Strategic HR Manager would liaise with the East of England Local Government Association on this question. It was then
a) that the contents of the report be noted, and
b) that the Council place on record its recognition of and gratitude for the excellent contribution made by the employees who have recently retired from employment in the local government service and pass on its best wishes for a long and happy retirement.
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