To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer on a review of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Governance arrangements for the spending of CIL receipts.
Executive Councillor: T D Sanderson.
Contact:C Burton 01480 388274
Cabinet supports the introduction of a new process for the allocation of CIL funding, and has;
(1). agreed the new CIL Governance arrangements based on the “Statement of Intent” as set out within the report and associated appendix;
(2). delegated authority to the Corporate Director (Place) and the Chief Planning Officer in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Planning to develop, publicise and implement the new governance arrangements as soon as practicable including a transitional CIL round in 24/25 financial year;
(3). delegated authority to the Chief Planning Officer to make changes to the documentation required under recommendation 2 above associated with the new CIL Governance arrangements including the application form to improve understanding of requirements and submission of information;
(4). agreed the suggested increase in threshold for smaller funding applications from £50,000 to £100,000 – requests for CIL funding allocations over £100,000 being subject to decision by Cabinet;
(5). delegated authority to the Corporate Director (Place) and the Chief Planning Officer in consultation with the Leader and Executive Councillor for Planning for allocation of CIL funding for smaller funding applications requesting £100,000 or less CIL funding, including those from non-parished areas; and
(6). delegated authority for the Chief Planning Officer to take forward steps to develop a programme to work more closely with town and parish councils to align local and strategic priorities; and to develop a more programme-led, evidence-based approach including working with partner organisations – such programme being presented to Cabinet on an annual basis for agreement
Consideration was given to a report by the Chief Planning Officer (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) on the outcome of the first stage of a review of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) governance process relating to the prioritisation and spending of CIL funding by the Council as a CIL Charging Authority. In introducing the Report, Councillor Sanderson informed the Cabinet of the options that had been considered and of the benefits of working with town and parish councils. Further on the last point, training and support would be provided on the new arrangements to ensure applicants were able to achieve the key priority of unlocking future growth.
The Cabinet discussed in detail the Overview and Scrutiny Panel’s comments. Particular reference was made to the recommendation that increasing the threshold for smaller applications should be reviewed in 12 months. It was argued that inflation since CIL was introduced meant the change was justified. Moreover, the last time applications were submitted to the Cabinet there had been no substantial challenge to the judgements made and all the recommendations had been approved. It would be more beneficial for the Cabinet to focus on strategic projects.
Executive Councillors went on to emphasise the importance of the transparency of the process, of engaging with applicants before bids were submitted and of feeding back afterwards on why applications had not been successful. Councillor Sanderson undertook to devise a timetable to report back to the Overview and Scrutiny Panel. Accordingly, it was
a) that the new CIL Governance arrangements based on the “Statement of Intent” as set out within the Report and associated Appendix now submitted be approved;
b) that authority be delegated to the Corporate Director (Place) and the Chief Planning Officer after consultation with the Executive Councillor for Planning to develop, publicise and implement the new governance arrangements as soon as practicable including a transitional CIL round in 24/25 financial year;
c) that authority be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer to make changes to the documentation required under recommendation b above associated with the new CIL Governance arrangements including the application form to improve understanding of requirements and submission of information;
d) that the suggested increase in threshold for smaller funding applications from £50,000 to £100,000 with requests for CIL funding allocations over £100,000 being subject to decision by Cabinet be approved;
e) that authority be delegated to the Corporate Director (Place) and the Chief Planning Officer after consultation with the Leader and Executive Councillor for Planning for the allocation of CIL funding for smaller funding applications requesting £100,000 or less CIL funding, including those from non-parished areas; and
f) that authority be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer to take forward steps to develop a programme to work more closely with town and parish councils to align local and strategic priorities; and to develop a more programme-led, evidence-based approach including working with partner organisations with such programme being presented to Cabinet on an annual basis for agreement.
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