The Panel is invited to consider and comment on the Local Plan: Land Availability Assessments.
Contact:F Schulz 01480 388432
By means of a report by the Chief Planning Officer (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book) the Local Plan: Land Availability Assessments report was presented to the Panel.
Following a question from Councillor Howell relating to whether sites were assessed on a case by case basis or whether neighbouring sites were also taken into account, the Panel heard that that the sites are assessed as separate entities but that the Further Issues and Options consultation asks for comment on specific growth options and other factors that will help to inform the final package of sites that would be allocated, taking into account responses and further evidence to understand their impact as a whole in settlements.
Councillor Martin expressed concern over heritage sites in the vicinity of identified sites, whereupon the Panel were assured that although the initial assessment only considered the immediate area of the site, the impact of a site on heritage assets in the wider local area are taken into consideration as part of the sustainability appraisal. If a site is eventually allocated in the local plan and heritage assets are nearby, criteria would be included within the allocation to ensure this is addressed appropriately as part of any planning application put forward.
Following questions from Councillor Jennings, the Panel heard that the consultation would be residents opportunity to comment on sites and that it would be helpful to receive those comments even if they were in agreement with the comments within the assessment to reinforce the assessments.
The Panel were assured following a question from Councillor Gardener that an interactive map is available to residents which would allow them to identify sites both within their own and neighbouring parishes so that they may comment accordingly on how this may impact them.
The Panel heard, in response to a question from Councillor Martin, that responses were all treated equally irrespective of who had submitted them, however this is influenced by the level of detail provided.
Following the discussion, it was
that the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel be added to the Cabinet report in order for an informed decision to be made upon the report recommendations.
Councillor Corney re-joined the meeting.
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