The Panel is invited to comment on the Corporate Performance Report 2024/25 Quarter 1 Report.
Contact:N Sloper 01480 388635
By means of a report by the Assistant Director (Strategic Insights and Delivery) (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book) the Corporate Performance Report 2024/25 Quarter 1 report was presented to the Panel.
Following a question from Councillor Howell, the Panel heard that whilst it was still early days the change in National Government had impacted the process of some projects, it was noted that these had been marked as amber whilst awaiting further information to come through nationally but it was hoped that these would be recoverable by the end of the municipal year.
In response to a question from Councillor Jennings about the increase in missed bins, the Panel were assured that this had actually been a minimal increase over the district and was due to the major changes to the collection rounds, it was stated that this would be recoverable across the municipal year.
Following a question from Councillor Jennings requesting the number of areas sampled for litter in PI22, the Panel heard that further information would be sought on this and reported back to the Panel at a later date.
In response to a further question from Councillor Jennings on PI32 and the change to reporting staff turnover from an accumulative total, the Panel heard that further information on the reasons for this would be sought and reported back to the Panel at a later date.
The Panel heard, following a query from Councillor Gardener, that the forecast for PI23 was forecast as amber due to this being a new measure and that the team were being cautious due to the seasonality of the service.
Following an enquiry from Councillor Cawley regarding a potential increase in green waste within the grey bins, the Panel were assured that some green waste was needed within the grey waste to enable it’s breakdown in landfill but that in addition to this further sorting was done at the processing plant to ensure recycling was maximised and end waste into landfill was minimised. The Panel heard that it may be too soon to have figures on changes in grey waste since the introduction of the green waste subscription service, however this would be investigated and brought back to the Panel once available.
In response to an observation by Councillor Catmur, the Panel heard that the accessibility of the graphs within the report’s appendices would be reviewed and developed accordingly.
Further to a question from Councillor Martin on targets being set too low to create challenge, the Panel heard that measures would be reviewed if necessary and that the real measure of success would be improvement on last years figures. The Panel were given the specific example of call centre call answering times and it was agreed that this would be looked at offline with a view to adding more data surrounding this service.
Following the discussion, it was
that the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel be added to the Cabinet report in order for an informed decision to be made upon the report recommendations.
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