The Panel is invited to comment on the One Leisure PV Solar Installs Report.
Executive Councillor: B Pitt
Contact:M Raby 07919 110010
By means of a report and presentation by the Facilities Manager (copies of which were appended in the Minute Book), the One Leisure PV Solar Installs Report was presented to the Panel.
The Panel heard that the export had not currently been included due to the connection times of UK Power Networks, the aim was to install the system and then a decision on how to manage any generated surplus could be looked at on a case by case basis. The Panel also heard that the designs were based on half hourly data for each centre, based on this there was an anticipated return of over 75%.
Concern was expressed over the usage of lithium and alternative methods of battery storage were queried, alongside the recyclability of the panels at the end of their lifespan. The concerns around lithium were observed and the Panel heard that further detail on the recyclability would be sought and reported back to the Panel at a later date.
The bundling within the report with the return at the St Ives site expected to be 12 years against the other sites at 8 years was of concern to the Panel, particularly the concern that this would affect the SALIX recycling fund. It was further suggested that the £52,000 for the St Ives site may be better used to provide battery storage for the other three sites. The Panel were assured that the project would be funded by Council reserves and that the project was anticipated to have an excellent payback. It was noted that due to the nature of energy consumption at leisure centres, there would be a much different usage when compared to a residential property, and that the designs proposed would make the best use of the available array as possible. Furthermore, it was noted that to proceed with the project across all four sites would massively reduce overhead and that there would be significant financial and environmental benefits through the implementation of the scheme. The Panel were advised that an annual return of 12.1% was anticipated.
It was observed that the siting of the panels within the rooves of the centres would be a much better location than taking up valuable agricultural land, it was also suggested that the Panel would like to see the progress of the project as it developed and after 12 months of implementation.
It was noted, that energy usage at the St Ives site was more sporadic than the other three sites due to the services provided there.
The Panel heard that there had already been successful installs of solar panels across the council’s estate, including Eastfield House and One Leisure and that this was part of the first stage of introducing renewable energy generation.
The Panel were advised, that a solar canopy was due to be installed in the carpark at One Leisure St Ives Indoor following funding from Sport England. It was noted that the steelworks for this type of project doubled the payback period.
Disappointment was expressed that government funding was not available for the project, the Panel heard that by progressing opportunities to decarbonise where they presented was preferable to waiting for funding. It was also noted that significant savings on utilities and carbon emissions would be made by implementing the project.
The Panel heard, that subject to the approval of the project, it was hoped to progress using the supplier already secured for the St Ives canopy work which would allow the work to proceed quickly. It was noted that this supplier was based in Northampton but that work was underway to look at the procurement procedure for the Council and how this could positively impact local businesses. Councillor Shaw proposed to add an additional recommendation to the Cabinet report, this recommendation was seconded by Councillor Mokbul and the Panel voted in favour, with one Councillor abstaining, of forwarding the proposed recommendation to the Cabinet;
3) to agree to apply greater weight to tender applicants from within the district.
Following the discussion and the Panels support of the project, Councillor Shaw proposed to add an additional recommendation to the Cabinet report, this recommendation was seconded by Councillor Lowe and the Panel voted unanimously in favour of forwarding the proposed recommendation to the Cabinet;
4) that the Panel encourage Cabinet to proceed with Option 2 outlined within the report.
Following the discussion, it was
that Cabinet be encouraged to consider the comments from Overview and Scrutiny when making a decision upon the recommendations within the report; and that Cabinet be encouraged to add the proposed recommendations 3 and 4 to the report;
3) to agree to apply greater weight to tender applicants from within the district; and
4) that the Panel encourage Cabinet to proceed with Option 2 outlined within the report.
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