Subject to adjustments for the decision on the Huntingdon bus station scheme, the £8,000 reduction in Government grant and the resulting impact on interest receipts and the funding of all of these from revenue reserves, the spending proposals summarised in Annex C to the report were approved.
A Council Tax of £106.54 for a Band D property for 2005/06 and the indicative levels for 2006/07 onwards as shown in Annex C to the report were approved.
Subject to any necessary variations relating to the adjustments referred to above, the Prudential Indicators at Annex F to the report were approved.
Subject to the fact that there is limited certainty that the efficiency savings target can be achieved but that the revenue reserves are sufficiently large for this not to be an issue in 2005, the Director of Commerce and Technology’s comments on the Reserves on the Robustness of the budget at Annex G of the report were approved.
The 2005/06 and 2006/07 capital programmes were approved to increase opportunities for lower tender prices.