requested the planning division to hold regular meetings with a representative of Hinchingbrooke and Kimbolton Schools (and Abbey College, Ramsey if appropriate) with the aim of developing a good working relationship on conservation issues and planning future maintenance requirements and nominated Councillor R J West as an intermediary between the Division and each of the schools to attend (and potentially) chair those meetings;
agreed to offer specific training to town and parish councils in heritage and conservation issues to raise awareness locally on the subject and on the value of conservation character statements, buildings at risk register, etc.;
suggested that town and parish councils be encouraged to work with the District Council on heritage and conservation issues by alerting the Council of any deterioration in the condition of listed buildings and unauthorised works to listed buildings or in conservation areas in their parishes;
requested that consideration be given to regular meetings between conservation officers and parish councils with a view to refreshing the training provided;
suggested that town and parish councils be encouraged where conservation groups or civic societies currently do not exist to seek the establishment of such bodies to promote an interest in the local heritage;
agreed that ways of improving the District Councils website be explored to provide additional information on conservation issues and procedures;
requested the Conservation Team to publicise the availability of grants from potential sources to help owners of listed buildings fund the cost of maintenance and repairs;
requested that representations be made through the Local Government Association to alter the present arrangements for value added tax so that repairs and maintenance of listed buildings become zero rated, thereby reducing the cost of maintaining heritage assets; and
encouraged officers to use ‘plain English’ in their communications with the public to help in an understanding of complex conservation issues and explain what is required.