i. to transfer the freehold title of the Medway Centre, Medway Road, Huntingdon to Huntingdon Town Council at £1 (if requested);
ii. to accept the freehold title of One Leisure Huntingdon, St Peters Road, Huntingdon upon transfer from Huntingdon Town Council at £1 (if requested);
iii. to make a contribution of £300,000 to Huntingdon Town Council, to be restricted to use on capital expenditure (payment being at the point of asset transfer);
iv. to finance the £300k contribution (ref (iii) above) from the current 2016/17 forecast underspend. If not available at the year-end, then from the Special Earmarked Reserve;
v. subject to relevant and appropriate security, to grant a concessionary (soft) loan to Huntingdonshire Town Council of £800k for a period of up to 5 years at 0.25% or less (whatever the minimum interest is legally allowed);
vi. to finance the £800k loan by way of external finance from the Public Works Loan Board; and
vii. to charge, over the life of the loan (ref (vi) above), the interest to One Leisure (estimated cost over 5 years being £24.2k).