The Cabinet has
a) Noted the updates on delivery in relation to the projects previously allocated or in receipt of CIL funding commitments (see Appendix 1);
b) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.2 to DECLINE funding for Hilton Pavilion;
c) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.3 to APPROVE funding for Sawtry Pavilion;
d) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.4 to DECLINE funding for The Guardroom community hub, Bury;
e) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.5 to DECLINE funding for St Neots Community Fire Station Modernisation and Extension Project;
f) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.6 to DECLINE funding for Sports Provision, Abbey College, Ramsey;
g) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.7 to DECLINE funding for Folksworth Multi Use Games Area (MUGA);
h) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.8 to DECLINE funding for a new workshop with storage for Warboys New Parish Centre;
i) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.9 to DECLINE funding for King George V Pavilion works, Huntingdon;
j) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.10 to DECLINE funding for an extension to a footpath in Colne;
k) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.11 to APPROVE funding for a Community Centre Extension, Ramsey; and
l) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.12 to DECLINE funding for MAGPAS internal re-fit and purchase of an aviation tank.