To provide the outcome of the Investment Grade Proposal (IGP) provided by Bouygues Ltd - a detailed analysis of energy savings suggested at all the One Leisure sites, based on an accurate analysis of the current energy use, fully tendered costs for measures and the guaranteed energy savings resulting from the installation of those measures.
The report provides an explanation of the differences between the measures, costs and savings first identified in the Desk Top Assessment and those identified in the IGP, resulting in an increase of £107,889 in order to deliver the programme of improvements best suited for the One Leisure facilities.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/08/2016
Decision due: 22 Sep 2016 by Cabinet
Lead member: Councillor Robin Clive Carter, Vice-Chairman of the Council and Vice Chairman, Overview & Scrutiny (Performance and Customers)
Contact: Alistair Merrick, Interim Head of Operations Tel No. 01480 388635 email:
Relevant Portfolio Holder (Cllr): R Carter
Relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Performance and Customers