Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Public realm improvements to existing park, including resurfacing of existing paths, footpath widening, creation of new shared cycleway/footpath, works to existing bridges including replacement bridge, installation of new and relocated street furniture, landscaping and other associated works – Riverside Park, St Neots Road, Eaton Ford - 22/00747/FUL'
Councillor Lara Davenport-Ray - Non-Registerable Interests - By virtue of the fact that the District Council is the applicant and she is a Member of the Cabinet. Councillor Davenport-Ray confirmed she would approach the item with an open mind and make a decision on the basis of the debate.
Councillor Richard Andrew Slade - Other Registerable Interests - By virtue of the fact that he is a Member of St Neots Town Council.
Councillor Sam Wakeford - Non-Registerable Interests - By virtue of the fact that the District Council is the applicant and he is a Member of the Cabinet. Councillor Wakeford confirmed he would approach the item with an open mind and make a decision on the basis of the debate.
Councillor Tom Sanderson - Non-Registerable Interests - By virtue of the fact that the District Council is the applicant and he is a Member of the Cabinet. Councillor Sanderson confirmed he would approach the item with an open mind and make a decision on the basis of the debate.