Declarations of interest for agenda item 'MARKET TOWNS PROGRAMME AUTUMN UPDATE 2023-2024 (PART 2)'
Councillor Ann Blackwell - Disclosable Pecuniary Interest - Councillor A Blackwell declared a non-registerable interest in Minute 23/36 as an employee of Carter Jonas.
Councillor Ian Derek Gardener - Non-Registerable Interests - Councillor I Gardener declared a non-registerable interest in Minute 23/36 as a member of the Development Management Committee.
Councillor Richard Andrew Slade - Non-Registerable Interests - Councillor R Slade declared a non-registerable interest in Minute 23/36 as a member of the Development Management Committee.
Councillor Stephen John Corney - Non-Registerable Interests - Councillor S Corney declared a non-registerable interest in Minute 23/36 as a member of the Development Management Committee.