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Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'NOTICE OF MOTION'
Councillor Adela Eva Costello
- Non-Registerable Interests - by virture of previous receipt of Winter Fuel Allowance.
Councillor Barry Sidney Banks
- Non-Registerable Interests - by virture of previous receipt of Winter Fuel Allowance.
Councillor Barry Stephen Chapman
- Non-Registerable Interests - by virture of previous receipt of Winter Fuel Allowance.
Councillor Jeff Clarke
- Non-Registerable Interests - by virture of previous receipt of Winter Fuel Allowance.
Councillor Kevin Paul Gulson
- Non-Registerable Interests - by virture of previous receipt of Winter Fuel Allowance.
Councillor Marge Lawrie Beuttell
- Non-Registerable Interests - by virture of previous receipt of Winter Fuel Allowance.
Councillor Nic Wells
- Non-Registerable Interests - by virture of previous receipt of Winter Fuel Allowance.
Councillor Steve Criswell
- Non-Registerable Interests - by virture of previous receipt of Winter Fuel Allowance.