Personal Site of

Councillor Jonathan Alexander Gray


Photograph of Councillor Jonathan Alexander Gray
Councillor Jonathan Alexander Gray

Phone: 01832 710799


Home Address:
Vine Cottage
2 Station Road
PE28 0PE

My Responsibilities at the District Council

In addition to representing the Ward of Kimbolton and Staughton I sit on the District Council's Cabinet where I have specific responsibilities for Finance and Resources.  This involves setting the budget, managing the Council's Estate and ensuring that the Council is running efficiently and effectively.  As a Councillor with more influence than most, I try to use my position to bring balance, co-operation and professionalism to what we do, as well as speak up for smaller villages and ensure that the views of all residents, not just those in towns, are heard.


Some specific issues we are currently addressing


  • Local Plan - following introduction of the National Planning Policy Framework, we are in the process of producing a new Local Plan which has involved a huge amount of work reviewing our policies and incorporating feedback from the public consultation.
  • Implementing significant changes to the benefits system which has placed a considerable burden on the Council both administratively and socially.
  • Alconbury Enterprise Zone/ Alconbury Weald.  The former is a tax efficient ringfence to encourage business development.  The latter a development between Alconbury and the NW of Huntingdon involving 5,000 new homes, schools and businesses.  Getting this right is crucial to the long term success, shape and dynamics of the District.
  • A14 - Major road improvments to be funded by public money with contributions from local councils.
  • Making Assets Count - is an initiative where all public sector bodies in Cambridgeshire seek to work together to maximise efficient use of the many buildings we have.
  • Working to provide the highest quality services on a reduced grant from the Government.


Page updated: 03/03/2014, 15:54