Additional documents:
Recommended to full Council : that variations in cash limits for 2004/05 – 2007/08 as approved in the current MTP be adjusted in accordance with the tabulation reproduced at Annex A to the report now submitted; that any additional spending which is proposed in conjunction with the review of the MTP be met from within the overall, updated levels of expenditure referred to in (a) above; that unless related to demographic considerations, no additional provision for revenue developments be made in 2008/09 and that £3.5m pa be earmarked for capital investment (at current prices);that, further consideration be given to the level of acceptable development post 2008/09 and Council Tax levels at future meetings; and that, in conjunction with the forthcoming review of the MTP, consideration be given to the scope for identifying further savings.
(The Chairman announced that he proposed to admit the following item as a matter of urgency in accordance with Section 100B(4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972, in order to consider the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Planning and Finance) on the matter and enable a recommendation to be made by Cabinet to Council).
Further to Minute No. 03/50, consideration was given to a report by the Head of Administration (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) summarising the deliberations of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Planning and Finance) on a proposed financial strategy and the issues which would need to be addressed in the ensuing months in conjunction with the review of the Medium Term Plan and associated processes.
Mindful of earlier deliberations recorded at their meeting held on 31st July 2003, having noted views expressed by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel and for the purpose of developing a draft Medium Term Plan and budget for consideration on 4th December 2003, the Cabinet
that full Council be recommended to:-
(a) endorse variations in approving cash limits for 2004/05 – 2007/08 in accordance with the tabulation reproduced at Annex A to the report now submitted;
(b)agree that any additional spending proposed in conjunction with the review of the MTP should be met from within the overall, updated levels of expenditure referred to in (a) above;
(c)direct that, unless related to demographic considerations, no additional provision for revenue developments should be made in 2008/09 and £3.5m p.a. earmarked for capital investment (at current prices);
(d)accept that further consideration should be given to the level of acceptable development post 2008/09 and Council Tax levels at future meetings; and
(e) note that, in conjunction with the forthcoming review of the MTP, consideration will be given to the scope for identifying further savings.