78 draft side road orders for the A14 Ellington to Fen Ditton Improvement Scheme PDF 257 KB
To consider a report by the Head of Planning Services
Contact: R Probyn 388430
Additional documents:
Endorsed the contents of the Council's response to the draft side road orders the A14 Ellington to Fen Ditton Improvements scheme published by the Highways Agency.
By means of a report by the Head of Planning Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet were acquainted with a proposed response to the draft side road orders for the A14 Ellington to Fen Ditton Improvements scheme published by the Highways Agency.
In reviewing the issues involved, Members supported the overall principle of the proposed enhancement however, comments were made in relation to the predicted pattern of increase and decrease in traffic in and around Huntingdon town centre and the proposed new interchanges at Brampton and Fen Drayton, possible flood risks, the impact on adjoining villages and the level of mitigation for issues such as noise and landscape. Given that the scheme and the Council’s response would be considered further at a special meeting of the Council on 22nd December 2009, the Cabinet
that the contents of the report be noted.