To consider a report by the Head of Environmental Management on the Council’s Environment Strategy.
Contact: C Jablonski 388368
Additional documents:
noted the contents of the report and the assessment of current performance against the aims and objectives of the Council's Environment Strategy; endorsed the current and future priorities outlined in the review document for the remainder of the strategy, specifically the focus on carbon management and the implementation of spend to save projects in the area to enable further significant reductions in cost-savings to the Council; and supported the publication of the strategy review document and greater participation by communities encouraged to promote the strategy's aims and objectives.
With the assistance of a report by the Head of Environmental Management (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet considered a mid-way review of the Council's Environment Strategy for Huntingdonshire – “A Plan for our Environment”. The strategy sets out a series of aims to overcome the following three main environmental challenges:-
¨ tackling climate change;
¨ using resources efficiently;
¨ protecting and improving the environment.
Members were advised that the recent budget consultation had highlighted that environmental projects were perceived as a low priority to the District’s residents. However, the Environment Management Team remained committed to delivering the aims set out in the Strategy with the implementation of environmental projects including energy saving schemes for council-owned buildings, a staff-led (green force) environmental awareness initiative, the “green house” project properties in St Ives and St Neots and invest to save schemes in line with the Council’s Carbon Management Plan.
Having noted the views expressed by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environmental Well-Being) on the document and in congratulating Officers for their work to date on the Environment Strategy, the Cabinet
(a) that the contents of the report and the assessment of current performance against the aims and objectives of the Council's Environment Strategy be noted;
(b) that the current and future priorities outlined in the review document for the remainder of the strategy be endorsed, specifically the focus on carbon management and the implementation of spend to save projects in the area to enable further significant reductions in cost-savings to the Council; and
(c) that the publication of the strategy review document be supported and greater participation by communities encouraged to promote the strategy's aims and objectives.
62 Environment Strategy Review PDF 42 KB
To consider a report by the Head of Environmental Management on the Council’s Environment Strategy.
Contact: C Jablonski 388368
Additional documents:
(Councillor J A Gray, Executive Councillor the Environment and Information Technology was in attendance for this item.)
The Panel considered a report by the Head of Environmental Management (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) on the Council's Environment Strategy.
The Panel was advised that the recent budget consultation had highlighted that environmental projects were perceived as a low priority for the District's residents. However, the Environmental Management Team remained committed to delivering the aims set out in the Environment Strategy with the implementation of environmental projects providing an opportunity to reduce energy costs for both the Council and residents by becoming more environmentally efficient and making the District more economically competitive. Members were informed that the Environment Strategy placed the District Council at the forefront of moving forward the low carbon agenda.
With regard to the ‘Watts Going Down’ scheme whereby residents were encouraged to reduce energy wasted in the home with the help of real time energy monitors, the Panel noted that the withdrawal of LPSA funding from the project meant that the stock of meters was diminishing. The Council's Environment Team Leader undertook to explore the feasibility of hiring the remaining meters to the public through the District’s libraries.
In noting that electricity usage in the new Pathfinder House was higher than anticipated, the Panel was assured that the forthcoming server virtualisation project would resolve this issue as the power consumed by the Council's computers would be significantly reduced.
Members congratulated Officers for their work to date on the Environment Strategy and requested a further review in twelve months time.
that the report be endorsed for submission to the Cabinet.