Contact: Anthony Roberts, Democratic Services, Tel: 01480 388015 / email
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 26th September 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 26th September 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
MEMBERS' INTERESTS To receive from Members declarations as to disclosable pecuniary, other registerable and non-registerable interests in relation to any Agenda item. See Notes below. Minutes: Councillor S Mokbul declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in Minute No. 22 (b) by virtue of the fact that her employer had an agreement with the applicant, left the meeting and took no part in the debate or voting on the application.
Councillor R Brereton declared a non-statutory disclosable interest in Minute No 21 by virtue of the fact that the application related to the Ward he represents.
Councillor S J Corney declared a non-statutory disclosable interest in Minute No 21 by virtue of the fact that the application related to the Ward he represents.
Councillor S J Corney also declared a non-statutory disclosable interest in Minute No 22 (c) by virtue of the fact that the application related to the Division he represented on Cambridgeshire County Council. |
Variation of condition 2 (Plans) for 19/01127/FUL to vary approved plans to incorporate the repositioned access - 19 Bury Road, Ramsey, PE26 1NE. Minutes: See Minute No 20 for Members’ interests.
A report by the Planning Service Manager (development Management) was submitted. A copy of the report is appended in the Minute Book.
The Committee was advised that since the publication of the report the Highways Authority had submitted an objection to the application. To enable the implications of the late representation to be assessed, it was
that the application be not determined. |
APPLICATIONS REQUIRING REFERENCE TO DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE To consider reports by the Planning Service Manager (Development Management). Minutes: The Planning Service Manager (Development Management) submitted reports (copies of which are appended in the Minute Book) on applications for development to be determined by the Committee. Members were advised of further representations, which had been received since the reports had been prepared. Whereupon, it was
St Neots - 22/01048/FUL PDF 5 MB Change of use from 6-bedroom house in multiple occupation (C4) to 7-bedroom HMO (sui generis) - 55A Hardwick Road, Eynesbury, St Neots, PE19 2UE. Minutes: (Councillor D Laycock, St Neots Town Council, and Mr M Greening, applicant, addressed the Committee on the applications).
that the application be approved subject to conditions to be determined by the Planning Service Manager (Development Management) to include those listed in paragraph 8 of the report now submitted amended to refer to no more than 8 residents.
At this point Councillor S Mokbul vacated her seat. |
St Ives - 21/01948/FUL PDF 2 MB Change of use from (A1) retail to taxi business (sui generis) following the expiry of the temporary consent - planning reference 18/00326/FUL - 14 Crown Street, St Ives, PE27 5EB. Minutes: (Councillor C Smith, St Ives Town Council, addressed the Committee on the application).
See Minute No 20 for Members’ interests.
that the application be approved subject to conditions to be determined by the Planning Service Manager (Development Management) to include those listed in paragraph 8 of the report now submitted.
At this point Councillor S Mokbul resumed her seat. |
Warboys - 22/00811/FUL PDF 4 MB Proposed conversion of existing building into 5 flats and 1 shop, renovation of former bakehouse/residential accommodation into 1 dwelling, erection of 2 dwellings and demolition of outbuildings - 66 High Street, Warboys, PE28 2TA. Minutes: (Councillor G Willis, Warboys Parish Council, Ms D Childs, objector, and Mr P Harker, applicant’s representative, addressed the Committee on the application).
See Minute No 20 for Members’ interests.
that the application be refused for the following reasons:
a) REASON 1. By virtue of its size, scale, bulk and massing, the proposed new building housing the pair of semi- detached dwellings would, as a result of its proximity to the listed property at 66 High Street and the curtilage listed former bakehouse on the site, have an adverse impact upon the setting of these listed buildings. The proposed development is therefore contrary to Policy LB34 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036, paragraphs 66 and 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and Section 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
b) REASON 2. By virtue of the absence of a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal in the application, it has not been possible to assess whether the site contains or is home to any protected species and in particular, bats. In the absence of such a survey, it is not known whether such species or their habitats would be harmed by the development. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy LP30 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036, the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2017) and the National Planning Policy Framework (2021). |
To consider a report by the Planning Service Manager (Development Management). Minutes: The Committee received and noted a report by the Planning Service Manager (Development Management), which contained details of three recent decisions by the Planning Inspectorate. A copy of the report is appended in the Minute Book.
that the contents of the report be noted. |