The Development Management Committee is one of the Council’s Regulatory Committees, bodies which have decision making powers and report to full Council.
The Development Management Committee has the following functions:-
Functions relating to town and country planning and development control as specified in Schedule 1 Part A to the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 as amended (the Functions Regulations).
Powers relating to the protection of important hedgerows and the preservation of trees.
Powers relating to the regulation of the use of highways and public rights of way as set out in the Functions Regulations.
Public Speaking at meetings of the Development Management Committee
Members of the public (applicants, agents, objectors and town / parish council representatives) have a right to speak at the Committee provided that they notify Planning Services on 01480 388418 by 4.30pm on the Friday immediately preceding the Monday meeting. Further details are available Here
Support officer: Anthony Roberts, Democratic Services, Tel: 01480 388015 / email