Contact: Anthony Roberts, Democratic Services, Tel: 01480 388015 / email
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 17th July 2023. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 17th July 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
MEMBERS' INTERESTS To receive from Members declarations as to disclosable pecuniary, other registerable and non-registerable interests in relation to any Agenda item. See Notes below. Minutes: Councillor J Neish declared an Other Registrable Interest in Minute No 21 by virtue of the fact that he had been contacted by a local Member of Parliament about the application, but had not discussed it and had advised the report on it was available on the Council's website. |
Erection of 5 No. dwelling houses and associated works - Land West of Grove Cottage, Malting Lane, Ellington. Minutes: Having noted that the applicant had withdrawn the application, it was
that the application be not determined. |
Erection of grain store, associated hard standing and new vehicle access - Agricultural Buildings, Manor Farm, Bull Lane, Broughton. Minutes: (Councillor M O’Donovan, Broughton Parish Council, Councillor C Lowe, Ward Member, A Middleditch, agent, and V Gray, applicant, addressed the Committee on the application).
See Minute 19 for Members’ interests.
Pursuant to Minute No 23/16(a), the Committee considered a report by the Planning Service Manager (Development Management) on an application for the erection of a grain store, associated hard standing and new vehicle access at Manor Farm, Bull Lane, Broughton, which included further information on highways safety, flood risk and drainage. A copy of the report is appended in the Minute Book. Having taken into account relevant local and national planning policies, it was
that, contrary to the recommendation, the application be approved subject to conditions to be determined by the Planning Service Manager (Development Management).
At 7.48 pm the meeting was adjourned.
At 7.56 pm the meeting resumed. |
APPLICATIONS REQUIRING REFERENCE TO DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE To consider reports by the Planning Service Manager (Development Management). Minutes: The Planning Service Manager (Development Management) submitted reports (copies of which are appended in the Minute Book) on applications for development to be determined by the Committee. Members were advised of further representations, which had been received since the reports had been prepared. Whereupon, it was
Application for full planning permission for retention of existing detached four-bedroom dwelling (including extensions) - Full House, Toll Bar Lane, Keyston, Huntingdon, PE28 0RB. Minutes: (Councillor A Ford, Bythorn and Keyston Parish Council, Councillor J Gray, Ward Member, L Johnston and P Quarmby, objectors, and M Ellis, applicant, addressed the Committee on the application).
that the application be approved subject to conditions to be determined by the Planning Service Manager (Development Management) to include those listed in paragraph 8 of the report now submitted.
At 8.55 pm the meeting was adjourned.
At 9.00 pm the meeting resumed. |
Application for full planning permission for retention of existing detached four-bedroom dwelling including the retention of the existing garage extension (rear extension omitted) - Full House, Toll Bar Lane, Keyston, Huntingdon, PE28 0RB. Minutes: Having noted that the applicant had withdrawn the application, it was
that the application be not determined. |
To consider a report by the Planning Service Manager (Development Management). Minutes: The Committee received and noted a report by the Planning Service Manager (Development Management), which contained details of seven recent decisions by the Planning Inspectorate. A copy of the report is appended in the Minute Book.
that the contents of the report be noted. |